Msten Cycle - Not sure if gear is bunk


New member
Hey guys, I've been on Xtreme Mass by Anabolic Technologies (msten) for 10 days now, and I'm still not sure if it's working or not (bunk? idk). Weight has been up 10 lbs, but I started the cycle right after a long cut, so a lot of it is water weight. Strength is going up a bit, but of course it is because I'm bulking. I just haven't been blown away yet, which is what happens to most people I hear. Been taking two pills a day, which is 24 mg of msten. Nutrition is on par, I've made sure I'm hitting my macros. Does anyone have experience with this brand of msten? If it's fake, I don't want to waste my nolvadex.
You'll know if it's working. 24mg of Methylsten is a lot. By this point (7 days past you original post) if you're not definitely gaining, you're either not eating enough or what you're using is bunk.
my friend ran iron mag labs msten with pct and anti estrogen. he said he liked it and I saw the gains. don't know about the brand your taking tho.
Something doesn't seem right here... I know there are some out there with 10mg per cap, but 12mg of m-sten per cap?

M-sten should have kicked in by day 10, for sure...

Now without googling, from what I remember I want to say that A/T's old version of Extreme Mass was Superdrol at 12mg per cap. Check that compound structure again (take the compound name from the back of your bottle and google it).
If that's the case, I know for some that SD didn't kick in til around day 10.