MT 2 sides

It gave me a bunch of freckles and a bit of a stomach ache. I liked it but I doubt id run it again, dont want to end up covered in freckles.
No sir both myself and my girlfriend ran a vial each and have plenty of NEW freckles.

It only makes the freckles you have darker. That's what it's supposed to do. Darken the pigment of your skin. It won't cover you in freckles unless you are already covered, it will just make them more visible. But it will even out with your skin tone too.
Nope. Mt 2 will not make freckles magically appear. You just have faint freckles you didn't notice till they got darker. Do better research.

I got plenty of new birth marks on MT II that I still have. It does make your existing freckles and birth marks bigger & darker, but you also get new ones.
It only makes the freckles you have darker. That's what it's supposed to do. Darken the pigment of your skin. It won't cover you in freckles unless you are already covered, it will just make them more visible. But it will even out with your skin tone too.

this is coming from a guy that advocates oral only cycles.
You advocate oral only cycles and tell me to do better research? you better pump your brakes son, I think id know if there were spots on my face before I took the shit.

Nope. Mt 2 will not make freckles magically appear. You just have faint freckles you didn't notice till they got darker. Do better research.
I do. You just don't agree. That's fine. One day you'll realize to think for yourself.

thinking for yourself and understanding facts backed by science are two completely different things.

so are you saying that everyone who knows oral only cycles are bad do not think for themselves?
I took a super small dose. 250mcg. Like 2 little lines on the syringe. Made me feel super hot at first, then nacious, then tingly, I went and looked in the mirror and I looked sunburnt. Woke up and felt fine though.