Muscle building and amounts of proteins ingested


New member
I was thinking about that in the bus coming back from the gym. This is my rambling. Most of it is affirmation, but it's just to make it easier to read.

When you work out you rip your muscle fibers (big picture here). Your muscle grow because they rebuild themselves bigger. You need proteins to build muscles.

What does it matter if you don't eat enough proteins, since your muscles are going to have to rebuild themselves. It may take longer, but aren't they going to get as big even if lacking proteins? And what happens if you lack too many proteins? Your fibers are ripped and it's rebuilding but what if it has nothing to rebuild with anymore?

Anyway, all of that to ask what are protein shakes for after a work-out, when you muscles are NEEDING proteins to repair themselves, no matter how long it takes...

you need fast absorbing protein/carbs following a workout because the faster it is absorbed, the faster the muscles will recover (protein synthesis).
What does it matter how fast they recover, since we only work out each muscle once a week.

I would like to elaborate my question:

How will the muscles wait for the proteins before rebuilding themselves stronger.
Take a physiology class... Muscle requires protein to rebuild, period. If not, the protein will come from other muscles. If you lifted and ate very little or didn't eat protein and carbs after your workout, you would get smaller, defeating the purpose of lifting.
Its not just rebuilding, its keeping the current meat on there as well. When the muscle releases aminos into the blood stream, it is because you are not getting enough continual protein uptake through eating. This would be called negative nitrogen retention, which is of course a bad thing.

Take in protein roughly every 3 hours to avoid this. If your muscle is not only not rebuilding itself but constantly catabolizing itself - you are going to get nowhere.

Muscle is a vampire of the body, all it does is sit there and burn nutrients and gives you nothing in return when muscular beyond the neccessary minimum. So henceforth the body will do whatever it can to get rid of such wastefull mass, if you want to keep it you better play the game right.
Thanks guys.

I already eat every 3 hours, just wanted to make sure of something.

cant get BIG, that's what I do, and that what most people do too.