My 1st CUTTING cycle. Please advice


New member
I'm new to this forum. I am looking to get ripped and skinny for a photoshoot.
here are my stats

Hgt:190 cm
Wgt:195 lbs
Age:23 y/o

I am planning for a test-p, win, clen cycle for about 4-6 weeks.

Please advice on the cycle ( how much juice per week )

I have done clen, t3 cycle in the past and also stanz in the past.

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Duration is much too short. If all you have is 6 weeks just keep your diet in check and maybe just run clen.
i tried changing my diet a lot but couldnt get below 10% and also not able to reduce the water weight inorder get ripped.
and FYI, i'm more looking for Brad Pitt's Fight club kinda look for my shoot this time.
So your advice on diet and aas is really appreciated