My 1st cycle (maybe a silly question)


New member
Hi all I'm about too start my first cycle consisting of 500mg test enanthate 1x a week but ill properly split that to 250 2x week for 12 weeks with 25mg daily of dianabol for 6 weeks just wondering if the dianabol can be taken as a tab alongside the test being injectable I can't find this info anywhere cheers lads...ohh and for anyone wondering its a. 12 week cycle with a 2 week break of test followed by a 3 week PCR of 40mg nolvadex altogether 17 weeks :)
run dbol at 40mg with 20mg before your workout, it is oral yes. You will NEED some arimidex for this cycle. .25 E3d. If possible get some clomid for your post cycle therapy (pct). and run nolva for 4 weeks 40/40/20/20
Yes it can. I would run dbol a little higher if you're gonna run it, and only for 4 weeks, but it'd be wise to do test only your first cycle. Get an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and run it up until post cycle therapy (pct). Pct should be 4 weeks of clomid and nolva
Cheers for the help lads not 100% sure what get an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) means exactly tho :/...I'm a sponge ill take all the advice on board
Aromatse inhibitors control your estrogen, which prevents you from getting gyno, high blood pressure, poor libido, and other factors. Get arimdex or aromasin before you start