Dear All,
I’m planning my third cycle with the help of a good friend and I’d like to get some more feedback from you.
Here is my cycle:
1-6) dbol (20mg-0mg-20mg daily)
1-10) deca (250 mg daily)
1-13) testo E (700 mg daily)
(aramidex in case of gynecomastia)
16-19) clomid (day1: 300mg; day2-11: 100mg; day12-21: 50mg)
Do you think these dosages are okay or should I increase/decrease some of them?
Since this is my first cycle where I combine testo E with deca, I’m wondering whether the PCT should stay the same as when I was using test E alone.
Should I use Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) during cycling? (e.g. 1000-2000U every three week)
If my stats are needed I'm:
206 lbs
28 yo
THX a lot for your feedback!
I’m planning my third cycle with the help of a good friend and I’d like to get some more feedback from you.
Here is my cycle:
1-6) dbol (20mg-0mg-20mg daily)
1-10) deca (250 mg daily)
1-13) testo E (700 mg daily)
(aramidex in case of gynecomastia)
16-19) clomid (day1: 300mg; day2-11: 100mg; day12-21: 50mg)
Do you think these dosages are okay or should I increase/decrease some of them?
Since this is my first cycle where I combine testo E with deca, I’m wondering whether the PCT should stay the same as when I was using test E alone.
Should I use Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) during cycling? (e.g. 1000-2000U every three week)
If my stats are needed I'm:
206 lbs
28 yo
THX a lot for your feedback!