My 3rd cycle


New member
Dear All,

I’m planning my third cycle with the help of a good friend and I’d like to get some more feedback from you.

Here is my cycle:
1-6) dbol (20mg-0mg-20mg daily)
1-10) deca (250 mg daily)
1-13) testo E (700 mg daily)
(aramidex in case of gynecomastia)

16-19) clomid (day1: 300mg; day2-11: 100mg; day12-21: 50mg)

Do you think these dosages are okay or should I increase/decrease some of them?

Since this is my first cycle where I combine testo E with deca, I’m wondering whether the PCT should stay the same as when I was using test E alone.

Should I use Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) during cycling? (e.g. 1000-2000U every three week)

If my stats are needed I'm:
206 lbs
28 yo

THX a lot for your feedback!

Dear All,

I’m planning my third cycle with the help of a good friend and I’d like to get some more feedback from you.

Here is my cycle:
1-6) dbol (20mg-0mg-20mg daily)
1-10) deca (250 mg daily)
1-13) testo E (700 mg daily)
(aramidex in case of gynecomastia)

16-19) clomid (day1: 300mg; day2-11: 100mg; day12-21: 50mg)

Do you think these dosages are okay or should I increase/decrease some of them?

Since this is my first cycle where I combine testo E with deca, I’m wondering whether the PCT should stay the same as when I was using test E alone.

Should I use Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) during cycling? (e.g. 1000-2000U every three week)

If my stats are needed I'm:
206 lbs
28 yo

THX a lot for your feedback!


For this i'd stick to 500mg Test E and 400mg deca per week.

In your PCT the way you do your clomid is the way i do mine except i do mine for 5 weeks so i'd do the clomid for another 2 weeks at 50mg. Als i would add in some nolva 40/40/20/20/20

With Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) i do it uring cycle at 250iu every 5 days..
For this i'd stick to 500mg Test E and 400mg deca per week.

In your PCT the way you do your clomid is the way i do mine except i do mine for 5 weeks so i'd do the clomid for another 2 weeks at 50mg. Als i would add in some nolva 40/40/20/20/20

With Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) i do it uring cycle at 250iu every 5 days..

Good Advice you should take it .
also you need to run the deca for at least 12-14 weeks minimum to get any gains out of it,cause 10 weeks isnt long enough,it doesnt start working until week 5,and run the test 2 weeks longer than the deca
Thx a lot for the replies guys!! :)

I think the idea to extend the cycle to 14 weeks is very reasonable...

And, as you said, I will definitely increase the duration of my PCT since this time I'm using deca besides testo... and to be sure I will stack Nolva to it...

The only remaining question I have regards the relative proportion of deca and testo... I though it was good to take some addional doses of testo to compensate for the strong effect of deca on "sexual performance" LOL...

BTW... you suggest taking Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) every 5 days... is there a specific reason to take so often (I guess so LOL)?

THX so much for your support!

Thx a lot for the replies guys!! :)

I think the idea to extend the cycle to 14 weeks is very reasonable...

And, as you said, I will definitely increase the duration of my post cycle therapy (pct) since this time I'm using deca besides testo... and to be sure I will stack Nolva to it...

The only remaining question I have regards the relative proportion of deca and testo... I though it was good to take some addional doses of testo to compensate for the strong effect of deca on "sexual performance" LOL...

BTW... you suggest taking Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) every 5 days... is there a specific reason to take so often (I guess so LOL)?

THX so much for your support!


i would use 200mg more test than deca........just example

600mg test
400mg deca for example,this will eliminate deca dick