My 8th cycle


New member
This is my current cycle I'm into my 3rd week gained almost 15lbs already moslty water.

3IU Somotropin ED
1-6 Sustanon (sust) 250 MWF
7-12 Sustanon (sust) 250 MF
1-11 Deca 200 1/2 cc MF
2-6 Dbol 30mg ED
7-12 StanoTest 100 MWF
Anastrozal MF

Looking serious. What you wrote it a little confusing, but I think I understand. Your running 200mg deca/wk?

Have you ever tried running HCG during your cycle as opposed to after?
outlawtas2 said:
Looking serious. What you wrote it a little confusing, but I think I understand. Your running 200mg deca/wk?

Have you ever tried running HCG during your cycle as opposed to after?
No but I have read a lot about using it during a cycle. Does it work better that way? What would the dosing be during a cycle? Thanx
Search for Swale's Protocol. It is on most bbing/steroid boards. IIRC it is often run 250IU's, twice a week (dosing frequency will vary depending on who you talk with), starting around week 3 or week 4 of the cycle. The idea is to prevent atrophy before it occurs and to put less stress on the body (leydig cells) by using lower doses.
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