My Andriol/Testim + Stacking Trendione/Triumphalis/Hdrol cycle logs


New member
Hey all,

Since my retarded self dropped my Test-E vials when moving into new apartment, i have currently no other legit injectable in reach. Therefore I decided to run an Andriol (Testosterone Undecanoate) cycle, combined with some Testogel, and stacked by some oral Prohormones/DesignerRoids

Initial weight
Started on 1th of May. Starting weight 179 pounds with around 15.5%BF according to DEXA scan. I'll do some DEXA middle and end of cycle, during that period i will only use my Smarty Body Analyzer to calculate BF.

Blood work
1 day prior to cycle start, reference values in brackets. I will only list some hormone stuff and values which are out of reference range, in italic. I ran a 4week 4-AD/Decavol cycle (AMS Anabolic Growth Kit) in April, which may explain the lower test level, since i ended this cycle 1 day before blood work.

Will do resular blook works, especially 2 weeks after staring an or to see how my liver reacts

Testosterone ng/ml 3.08 (2.41 - 8.30)
Testosterone nmol/l 10.7 (>12)
SHBG nmol/l 56.6 (20-55)

Estradiol pg/ml 27.6 (<54)
DHEA-S µg/dl 449 (100 - 450)
Cortisol ng/ml 76 (50 - 250)
GPT/ALT U/l 57 (<50)
BUN 28.9 (6-25)

Current cycle plan
May be modified during cycle (will edit here)

Week 1-20:
Everyday 12 Testocaps (480gm/d), splited into 3 daily doses, 1 Testim 50mg in the morning on scrotum, since absorption rate according to studies is here 5fold.

Week 3-6 4wks HDrol or similar
Week 9-11 4wks Trendione
Week 14-20 1 additional Testim on eveining
Week 17-20 4 wks Triumphalis or similar

PCT with Clomid, if i get some prescription combined with Tamox

Primary goal is to reach a weight below 176lbs. Therefore I will run some cut (ketogenic diet, maybe later PSMF or any other low carb) until i reach that goal (on cycle). Afterwards i will switch IF, adding more calories from week to week. Since i was pretty obese for nearly a decade, i really have to take care not adding to much calories

Daily Supplements/OnCycle Support
4 * All-in-one Vitamin/Minerals/Greens tablets MyProtein Alpha Men
80mg Zinc orotate
10g Omega3 Fishoil Caps

While cutting a cheap fat burner with some Synephrine, Coffeine, Yohimbine and so on, combined with pseudoephedrine to surpress hunger

While on methylated oral cycle NAC and Milk thistle for liver support

Still in progress. Not sure about pics yet
2 weeks over now
Weight went up to 187 pounds despite the fact that I started ketogenic diet on 1st day and ran a daily deficit of about 1kcal.
General feeling pretty awesome, good power in workouts. Slight acne on shoulders, like on last cycle .
Out of curiosity, how old are you? Your testosterone levels are actually quite low, I would have investigated that before hopping on a cycle.
35 yo. Yes, i was also confused about low testosterone levels, but i had 3 further tests this spring. 2 of them showed good levels on the upper end of reference range, and one measurement was pretty shitty, similar to the blood test above. But according to endocrinologist and urologist there are no organic or other issues. It makes me wonder a bit, why i had also 1 low test measurement in spring, but the measurement 1 week later was fine again.
35 yo. Yes, i was also confused about low testosterone levels, but i had 3 further tests this spring. 2 of them showed good levels on the upper end of reference range, and one measurement was pretty shitty, similar to the blood test above. But according to endocrinologist and urologist there are no organic or other issues. It makes me wonder a bit, why i had also 1 low test measurement in spring, but the measurement 1 week later was fine again.

What time of day was this draw? Our natural levels decline over the course of the day. Getting LH and FSH would really help too.
All blood work was done between 8 and 9 am

Last draw:
LH mU/ml 1.2 (0.8 - 8.3)
FSH mU/ml 2.4 (1.2 - 10.1)
All blood work was done between 8 and 9 am

Last draw:
LH mU/ml 1.2 (0.8 - 8.3)
FSH mU/ml 2.4 (1.2 - 10.1)

Your endo is ridiculous. You're clearly dealing with secondary hypogonadism. Have you had a sleep study done? Something is turning off your pituitary, which may be from previous cycles, or apnea/diet/stress/HPTA dysfunction.
I'll check with my doc and ask him about that once i meet him again.

I was on a extreme caloric deficit since January (lost nearly 30 pounds). Maybe i also did not recover fully from my last cycle in Summer 15, i had to taper off, since I had some issues with the authorities and therefore no SERM on my hands... After that i went insanely fat, eating junkfood all the time and even had depressions for 3 months..
A small update:

Week 3:
Weight went down to 183lbs, still running ketogenic diet with around 6000kCal deficit/week. Shape and vascularity definitely getting better. Me and my wife noticed that my head gets red flushing sometimes.

Week 4
I added LGI Triumphalis (which contains according to lab Desoxymethyltestosterone/DMT instead of stated Methyldiazirinol). Running since 1 week 2 caps/day. First days i had terrible headaches, and was feeling pretty dizzy. Reason seemed that blood pressure went through the roof (around 170/100, starting at 140/85). Can't say if its the DMT, or if it was raised already during the last weeks. Received Amlodipine 5mg for it, which brought it back to normal. Some "mild" aggressions from time to time. No lethargy, but on some occasions nausea/dizzyness.
Weight went up to 187lbs again (despite caloric deficit), abs getting more and more visible. No strengt increase since DMT yet, but compared to start, i was able to make some good progress in increasing weights.

Done 7 days after started adding DMT. All values (Cholesterol, liver and so on) in reference range.
Testosterone ng/ml 30.8 (2.41 - 8.30)
Estradiol pg/ml 55 (<54)