My before and after


Vae Victis
OK, even if I'm far from my goal and if the pics are crappy it's time for my "before/after" pics

The before: I was something like 28 on these pics. Sorry for the bad quality of the pics, I had to scan them. Anyway they give a good idea of how skinny I was (even if I look particularly dumb on the second one with my pant half way down ,I was putting cream for sunburns on my belly :) )
I was 6.2, 144lbs then

The after, 32yo, 202lbs:

Please feel free to critique. On my side I'm struggling to put size on my arms and delts. My tri's are fine but every time I try to train my bi's I devellop tendonitis in the forearms. Same song for my delts, when I hit them hard they grow but I suffer from very painful tendonitis pretty fast...
wats that bout your 4arms i have only started trainin an my forearms r fukin sore as fuk ,tell u wat man ,uve changed alot .how long an was it gear u took or was it natural
gear or no gear that is one amazing transformation. i would say that your goals have been met but i am not sure how big you would like to get. Nice work
man, great work - that's gotta be hard to do at 28! Whats your diet like? You seem to bulk uyp and stay lean. props, dude!
Thank you all for your answers and my apologies to you, Rx, for my late anwser...

Concerning my goals, well, I'm not as obsessed with mass/weight as I used to be...I wanted to shoot for a solid 225lbs at 9% but I think that a lean 10% / 210 is more realistic. It is extremely hard for me to go higher in term of weight, I got a freaky fast metabolism and to reach 225 I have to ingest ridiculous amount of foods. Plus, everytime I went over 215 I started to put on a serious amount of fat. So I decided to bulk slowly but steadily, without screwing my diet...

Concerning my diet, it looks like that:

cutting: 8 whole eggs+bacon+OJ
bulking: PB on whole bread toast, small omelette, whey, OJ

2-mid-morning meal:
cutting: 1 can of tuna salad with olive oil and vinegar, corn
bulking: same as above but with 2 cans of tuna and more olive oil

cutting: 250/300g of lean meat, green veggies
bulking: same as above + good quality carbs

4- mid-afternoon
Whole bread sandwich with chicken breast, low fat cheese, low fat mayo, salad. When bulking I add hard boiled eggs

5-Pre work out
2 scoops whey, I had ground oatmeal if bulking

2 scoops whey, 2 bananas, 1 thick slice pineapple, OJ

250/300g chicken breast or fish or lean steak, green veggies (steamed), I add brown rice or sweet potatoes when bulking

I'm in a hurry and can't type a longer answer, I will detail my training / cycle history later.

Thanks again for your comments
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Dude -
Looks like a great diet - you've done a phenominal job in a short amount of time! I'm totally envious of your low BF - nice to be lean altho hard to gain - after 40 that changes.... I too gave up alcohol (about 2 years ago) and got more serious about the training - I've got to say I miss alot of aspects of alcohol - the taste, social shit, and metal "vacation" but i feel SOOOOOOOOOO much better physically - I wish I'd done it 10 years earlier!

That tendonitus is a bitch - I've found that some of the machines (or preacher bench)really isolate the bi & help get a good w/o without the forearm stress - and then I do isolated forearm work. Somehow works better (for me) than combining the 2 on a std standing BB curl for example. Also like the cable curls with the ez curl bar - seems to not hit the tendonitis as much.

Anyways - great work keep it up - I'll run to catch up w/ you at 205 and 10% (gotta get the waist down from 33 to 31 or so...
Later bro!