My Body transformation. Post yours too!


New member
Thought it would be cool to see where everyone came from and is currently at. Post if you please!

I've remained about the same height since 18. 71.5 inches tall

Oldest pic I could find before the military. Just turned 18 about 155-160ish

Joined the military and a year later at 19 175lbs

Age 22 nearing the end of my 5 yr contract in the military. 225lbs

I got more pics in between but don't feel like digging for them. All the gains were not made on gear. Have yet to start any yet but look forward to it!

Anyone else have awesome transformation pics?
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Lookin good bro start cutting.. ull be the man at the beach

Thanks but looks like you already are! I've already got some competition lol
Planning on doing some clean bulking this winter and maybe around feb start cutting. I'm currently in the military and it's difficult to have a steady schedule for eating sleeping and gym. Ill be out soon and hopefully just the steady schedule alone helps me with gains even more!
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