My Clean Bulk - comments?


New member
i just finished cutting and am currently 5'9, 165lbs @8.5%bf

daily goals: 190g protien, 1 multivitamin, 1 papaya enzyme, 1-2 tablespoons flax seed oil, 3 liters water, low sugar and lactose, lots of complex carbs and green veggies.

Meal 1: 2/3 cup raw oats mixed with 1 tablespoon flax seed oil, 30g isolate protien with water, few straberries, rasperries + blueberries

Meal 2: 2 peices of Wasa Bread (fibre plus), can tuna, brocolli,

Meal 3: 1 chicken breast, veggies, brown rice

Meal 4: pre workout meal: 8 egg whites, small potatoe, spinach

Meal 5: post workout meal: 250ml gatorade, 30g isolate protien powder w/ water.

Meal 6: whole wheat pasta, lean ground beef, pasta sauce, few berries

Meal 7: cottage cheese, salad with ground flax seeds
I think we have a winner. Only thing I would change is meal 4. Switch to whole eggs. And get rid of the gatorade PWO. No need for it. Get some malto and dex.
Hmm, one thing I'd recommend is to use cod liver oil and fish oil instead of flax oil, but that's just my opinion.
^ i've never tried cod liver oil or fish oil, but if either one tastes better than flax oil, then i'll try it, cuz flax tastes like shit
2lowintegra said:
^ i've never tried cod liver oil or fish oil, but if either one tastes better than flax oil, then i'll try it, cuz flax tastes like shit


Make sure you get a flavored cod liver oil ;)