My Current cycle (Test, Tren and Var)


New member
Hey guys, I just started week 3 of this cycle on Monday. Here is what I am planning on running. I've talked to a lot of people and spent a pretty good amount of time tweaking things but still open for any adjusting if need be.

****.25mg Exemestane EOD on cycle for AI

**WEEKS 1-6**
-Test E 650mg/week(every 5 days 2.5CC/week
-Tren E 300mg/week(mon,wed,fri,sun 75mg)

**WEEKS 7-10**
-Test E 650mg/week(every 5 days, 2.5CC/week
-Tren E 300mg/week(mon,wed,fri,sun 75mg)
-Anavar 60mg tabs

**WEEKS 11-14**
-Test E 650mg/week(every 5 days, 2.5CC/week
-Tren E 300mg/week(mon,wed,fri,sun 75mg)
-Anavar 60mg tabs

**WEEKS 16-19**
-suggested dose of Liv 52 and NAC
-Bulgarian tribulus
-steel labido

I was not planning on using HCG, but if I did I was told I shouldn't over do it and I would run it at 500 IUs for 10 days after I am done with my AAS before PCT starts. What do you guys think?
ok... lets start with some basic info first

training history
cycle history
I'm 24, weigh 177 I'm 11% BF 5'8". I've been lifting consistently 5-6 days a week for about 5 years now. I've run 3 cycles of Test E my first cycle was at 500mg/week for 12 weeks, second cycle was 750mg/week for 12 weeks and my last cycle was a year ago 750mg/16 weeks. my diet is really good, I weigh out my food and calculate my macros roughly on what I need every day. However, I have recently just started being more OCD with my diet and lifestyle to revolve around my gym routine. I haven't always prepped out my meals but I do know and I'm sleeping 8-10 hours a night, cut out alcohol, no partying staying up super late or anything like that. I spent a good amount of money from a buddy of mine who I know
Provided me with good quality stuff. I don't consider the test cycles I ran before much, but now that I am doing tren and anavar on top of
Test I am going to go all out and make sure my lifestyle outside the gym is in check as well.