My Current Cycle


New member
I just started week 5
*I replaced anastrozole with letrozole 2.5mg/ED*
Wk 1: --------------------- D-BOL 37.5mgED --- Test Enanthate 500mg/week --- Liquidex .5mg ED
Wk 2: --------------------- D-BOL 37.5mgED --- Test Enanthate 500mg/week --- Liquidex .5mg ED
Wk 3: --------------------- D-BOL 37.5mgED --- Test Enanthate 500mg/week --- Liquidex .5mg ED
Wk 4: --------------------- D-BOL 37.5mgED --- Test Enanthate 500mg/week --- Liquidex .5mg ED
Wk 5: ----Tren 100mg ED --- D-BOL 37.5mgED --- Test Enanthate 500mg/week --- Liquidex .5mg ED
Wk 6: ----Tren 100mg ED ---- Test Enanthate 500mg/week ------ Liquidex .5mg ED
Wk 7: ----Tren 100mg ED ---- Test Enanthate 500mg/week ------ Liquidex .5mg ED
Wk 8: ----Tren 100mg ED ---- Test Enanthate 500mg/week ------ Liquidex .5mg ED
Wk 9: ----Tren 100mg ED ---- Test Enanthate 500mg/week ------ Liquidex .5mg ED
Wk 10:----Tren 100mg ED ---- Test Enanthate 500mg/week ------ Liquidex .5mg ED
Wk 11:----Tren 100mg ED-----Test Propianate 50mgED---------- Liquidex .5mg ED
Wk 12:----Tren 100mg ED-----Test Propianate 50mgED---------- Liquidex .5mg ED
Wk 13:----------------------------------------------------------------------
Wk 13:------------------- Clomid Therapy ------------------------------------
Wk 14:------------------- Clomid Therapy ------------------------------------
Wk 15:------------------- Clomid Therapy ------------------------------------
Wk 16:----------------------------------------------------------------------
This is almost identical to what my next planned cycle is going to be. Of course I just started my clomid therapy today so its gonna be awhile...