My Current On Cycle Observations, Need Some Advice


digging out of a hole
Hey guys,

So currently at the start of my 7th week on Test E 250mg/week, Primobolan Depot 600mg/week, Anavar 20mg ED.

I am on a high protein diet, 50g carbs ED pre workout and maybe the same in fats. I began this cycle as a recomposition as I had really got out of shape. I began to lose weight like crazy. I am also taking ECA 2 weeks on and off. I currently estimate that I have lost anywhere from 14-20lbs of weight. Not sure how much of that is fat. I am looking a lot leaner, estimate 35% BF before the cycle at around 200lbs. I don't really weigh myself only go by how I look in the mirror.

Right ok now I am beginning to panic. I am losing a huge amount of weight. I am certain the gear is helping me to retain as much muscle as possible. I wanted to get really shredded on this cycle and then do a clean bulk for around 18 months. As I am losing a huge amount of weight I am beginning to get worried that I am getting "skinny".

My question is do I add more compounds to this cycle? I was thinking some tren. Do I change my diet and add in more cards or fats? I don't want anything that is mainly water weight. I am going to try and sustain these gains for life now.
if your only getting 50 grams of carbs per day, yet your training hard and depleting glycogen stores ,,, then a lot of the weight you are loosing is muscle 'volume' and water .. your body is depleting itself of glycogen stores and water weight in the muscle .

if you want to be 'full' and have more of a swole and muscular look and feel,, then you need to up your carbs. you can still 'cut' and loose 'fat' in a calorie restricted state. but as of right now you are in a carb, water, and glycogen depleted state and thats the drastic weight loss your are experiencing.
Adding more drugs won't fix anything. You don't know what you're eating, so that's a huge problem for starters. I mean, what's "high protein" for example?

Oh, and fuck cardio. It's a one way ticket to hosing your muscles right off you. I learned the hard way that cardio is something skinny broads, metrosexual tennis players, and serious competitors do (LISS) before a show. Of course, the results will be slower without cardio, but I PROMISE you that you don't want to have to backfill all that skin when done.

Find your cals and macros, track them, keep exercising like a beast, stop cycling ECA - it doesn't need to be (only clen and albuterol do), and watch the magic happen.

My .02c :)
if your only getting 50 grams of carbs per day, yet your training hard and depleting glycogen stores ,,, then a lot of the weight you are loosing is muscle 'volume' and water .. your body is depleting itself of glycogen stores and water weight in the muscle .

if you want to be 'full' and have more of a swole and muscular look and feel,, then you need to up your carbs. you can still 'cut' and loose 'fat' in a calorie restricted state. but as of right now you are in a carb, water, and glycogen depleted state and thats the drastic weight loss your are experiencing.

Thanks for helping me pin that down, I have done something similar to this before but then I was on Test E 250mg/week and 50mg Winstrol ED. It was a completely different look and my diet was exactly the same. I think I will keep at this for another few months until I am "ripped" and then add the carbs back in.

Adding more drugs won't fix anything. You don't know what you're eating, so that's a huge problem for starters. I mean, what's "high protein" for example?

Oh, and fuck cardio. It's a one way ticket to hosing your muscles right off you. I learned the hard way that cardio is something skinny broads, metrosexual tennis players, and serious competitors do (LISS) before a show. Of course, the results will be slower without cardio, but I PROMISE you that you don't want to have to backfill all that skin when done.

Find your cals and macros, track them, keep exercising like a beast, stop cycling ECA - it doesn't need to be (only clen and albuterol do), and watch the magic happen.

My .02c :)

Hey bro, I do track everything, I am eating around 400g protein ED. I couldnt be bothered to write the entire diet hence "high protein".

Diet, diet, dier....that's where the answer lies my friend!

Yup, I know but I was worried about losing "too much weight".
Thanks for helping me pin that down, I have done something similar to this before but then I was on Test E 250mg/week and 50mg Winstrol ED. It was a completely different look and my diet was exactly the same. I think I will keep at this for another few months until I am "ripped" and then add the carbs back in.

Hey bro, I do track everything, I am eating around 400g protein ED. I couldnt be bothered to write the entire diet hence "high protein".

Yup, I know but I was worried about losing "too much weight".

You couldn't be bothered to at least type 400/200/50 (P/C/F)?

I'm not trying to be a dick, but you ask a question that can be answered in many different ways, but without knowing some information first, it's all guessing. You even stated "maybe the same in fats", so which is it?

Are you trying to be in ketosis? If so, your ratio is WAY off.

Are you consuming 2200 cals per day? ((400+50) x 4 + 50 x 8)

Now do you see why I asked what I did?