My CUTTING cycle


New member
I'm new to this forum. I am looking to get ripped.

I am planning:
Testosteron enantat - 500mg per week for 14-16 weeks
T3 (Cytomel) – 25mcg twice a day all cycle
Clen – 120mcg everyday, two weeks on and two weeks off – all cycle

I was thinking to get some tren but it was too expensive. :)
And I would like to know if you used clen and t3 together and what is your opinion and results about this.
My english is bad sorry about that.
The test-e will make you bloat like hell with water... and with all this extra metabolism going on with the clen and t3 you'd have to eat 300% clean in order to loose weight while still gaining any weight from the test... so my 2 cents is that there is absolutely no reason for the test there in this cycle... either take a 8-12 week test-e cycle and then cut or drop the test-e and do it later.
The test-e will make you bloat like hell with water... and with all this extra metabolism going on with the clen and t3 you'd have to eat 300% clean in order to loose weight while still gaining any weight from the test... so my 2 cents is that there is absolutely no reason for the test there in this cycle... either take a 8-12 week test-e cycle and then cut or drop the test-e and do it later.

Test- e will not make him bloat anymore than test c, prop or any other ester for that matter. Test is test. As long as your not eating loads of junk food, which you shouldn't be doing anyways, you'll be just fine.

You should get quite shredded on test e, t3, and clen if your diet is in check.
I get face bloat on test e. I gain nice lean, hard muscle but my face looks like I chow down on cheeseburgers all day. my answer is Masteron
Test/t3/clen is a nice cut stack but make sure you ramp up to your clen dosage. 120 to start is a major shock to your system. And your HEART! Start at 40 and work your way up. For a first cycle most will say just test jsyk but if youre set on doing this just work ur way up to 120. Test e will make u bloat a bit so keep your carbs down slightly. Gl bro.