my cutting dilemma - tren for the cut or tren while the cut


i'm currently cutting on test prop, NPP, mast -- each at 350mg a week.

never tried NPP so i thought i tried it, and i dont think it personally fits me for a cutting cycle. unless my estrogen is REALLY low, i'm a tad bloated and thats just not my idea of cutting at all. and yes i am a believer in "cutting and bulking compounds". sure, diet will dictate it your results, but the fact is there are steroids are aromatize and there are steroids that dont. for a cut you want the absolute least amount of aromatization.

i got another 4-6 weeks of intensive cutting to go through.. then i can tone it down a bit.

i'm almost certain im dropping the NPP so i have two options. should i replace it with primo or tren? meaning, should i add the primo while i'm cutting and then drop it and replace it with tren once i'm at a lower bodyfat, or primo first then tren?
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I would up your mast dose to atleast 600mgs per week. Npp is fine to cut on provided you are managing your estrogen properly. Can't cut on anything with high estrogen bud...
Mast and Primo are extremely similar, you won't really notice a difference . If you want more anabolic bang for your buck just drop the NPP and run Tren and be done with it.
I would up your mast dose to atleast 600mgs per week. Npp is fine to cut on provided you are managing your estrogen properly. Can't cut on anything with high estrogen bud...
thats what i just said. i am managing my estrogen properly but at least its REALLY low, to the point where it's almost crashed and i have ED, is the only time i don't look bloated.

Mast and Primo are extremely similar, you won't really notice a difference . If you want more anabolic bang for your buck just drop the NPP and run Tren and be done with it.
been thinking about that but i dont like running tren extended periods of time, and i plan on being on from now all summer. but we'll see how it goes. might just up the mast and just finish my cut on that. got some thinking to do..
U seem like you r relying too much on the compounds to get where you want to be. maybe think about that while your at it.
Meaning its all about the work put in at the end of the day and AAS are there to enhance the results...IMHO
If u look/feel bloated and your E2 is low then you are not bloated from e2. The drugs that aromatise more readily will only cause bloat if your E2 is too high.
So that means maybe your diet is causing bloat. Too many carbs? Maybe you have alot of gas trapped in there from crushing cartons of egg whites and drinking 100 g of whey a day? Maybe too much sodium and not drinking enough water?