My cycle 18 week cycle Test E, NPP, Tren E, Dbol, Test P, Winny


New member
Test P- 100eod/week 1-4

Test E- 1000/week 1-15
Tren E- 400 or 500/week 1-15
NPP- 150 3xweek or eod/1-16
Adex- .50ed/week 1-18
Prami .25ed/week 1-16 week
(.25e3d/week 17-18)

(bridge into pct)
Test P- 100eod/15-18
Stan- 50 ed/15-18

Hcg- 250x2/week 1-16
(500x2/week 17-18)

Letro (on hand)
Liver support-??
PCT 19-24
Nolva ED 40/20/20/10/10/10
Clomid ED 50/50//25/25
Aromasin ED 25/12.5/eod12.5/e3d12.5

What does everyone think about my cycle?
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated
My goal is to gain as much mass as possible while not gaining excess body fat and remaining lean.
I know it all comes to the diet, but I'm just looking for an external opinion, thanks!
Any feedback or suggestions is greatly appreciated.
This is my 5 cycle
I have tried the following, sust, test p, tren a, test c, Winstrol (winny), var, tren e.
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Looks hardcore. Add tren-a to your bridge. That coupled with Winstrol (winny) and prop will have you come out the other end dry and hard.
What are your stats? Imo that is wayyyy too much gear for a fifth cycle unless your a pro or trying to be one. Mixing tren and NPP could potentially give you problems as well. You may be ok with taking the prami but may not, unless you've done this before and you know you do ok with it.
Well i mean I'm only 23 years old. I did my first cycle when i was like 18. I did a second cycle and then i tore my hamstring a couple months later. So i was out for like 3 months later on i did another cycle and kept like 15 pounds. Then later that year i tore my right hamstring. I did a cycle last fall and it was SUST, DECA, TREN A for 12 weeks went from 158-195, lost 7 in post cycle therapy (pct). I was like around 188 after pct, but I've cutting and doing lots and lots of cardio and have dropped to 183 since then. I have kept my calories near maintenance levels. Sometimes carb cycling and stuff like that to break plateaus, but even though i lost weight i feel a bit bigger? My shirts feel smaller and jeans. I will like to continue to cut until i start my next cycle July 16 2012.
Do you guys think i should change anything?

and do you guys think i should add tren a on the bridge? Also is that enough prami? and what do you guys recommend for liver support?

Btw my
Height 5"'9
Weight 183.4 Lbs
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I think you should reconsider all of this. With your age and stats this cycle is just outrageous. You could be 183 at 5'9'' without having ever cycled very easily.
Well i couldn't get past 170 really i've been working out since i was 15, but I'm 183 because of all the injuries.
But i mean no offense, but I'm probably still going to do it...
Or should i just do this instead???
I really really want to do the other one.

test P- 100eod/week 1-4

test E- 1000/week 1-12
tren E- 500/week 1-12
NPP- 150 eod/1-12
Adex- .50ed/week 1-16
Prami .25ed/week 1-16 week

(bridge into pct)
test P- 100eod/13-16
Tren A- 100 eod/13-16
Stan- 50 ed/13-16

Hcg- 250x2/week 1-14
(500x2/week 15-16)

letro (on hand)
Liver support-??
PCT 17-22
Nolva ED 40/20/20/10/10/10
clomid ED 50/50//25/25
Aromasin ED 25/12.5/eod12.5/e3d12.5
Toooooo much test...I would do more tren less test.more 200mg of test n 500 or 600mg of tren..test at that dose will give some bad side unless u done it before..but that's just me
So your saying do 750-800 test
and 600 tren?
wouldn't that be worse?

test P- 100eod/week 1-4

test E- 800??/week 1-12 (wouldn't this be too little? if I'm running npp and tren?)
tren E- 400 or 500??/week 1-12
NPP- 150 eod/1-12
Adex- .50ed/week 1-16
Prami .25ed/week 1-16 week

(bridge into pct)
test P- 100eod/13-16
tren A- 100 eod/13-16
Stan- 50 ed/13-16

Hcg- 250x2/week 1-14
(500x2/week 15-16)

letro (on hand)
Liver support-??
PCT 17-22
Nolva ED 40/20/20/10/10/10
clomid ED 50/50//25/25
Aromasin ED 25/12.5/eod12.5/e3d12.5
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As mentioned, that's a shit load of gear for your stats. I was under the impression you were a lot more experienced simply by the doses you had listed. Do you need to make it so complex by adding bridges and front loading etc.?
Reason to front load is because
the test in won't kick in right away, it usually takes a couple weeks.
Im doing npp which kicks in pretty fast
and i don't want that to kill my libido.
The bridge I'm doing that because test takes
2-3 weeks to clear and i don't want to waste time and wait from week 12-14/15 for pct id
rather just do prop/tren a/winny until week 16 and try to come out as dry and hard as possible. Then just start my pct right away on week 17. I'm not sure if i should leave the tren ace out of my bridge though???
After asking a couple experienced AAS users at my local gym they suggest to drop the test to 300-400/ew and up tren to 600-800/ew to reduce sides. They said tren is 5x more stronger than test and they fight for the same receptor.
They also suggest to shorter the npp to 8 weeks. Still waiting for dukkitdalaw to critique my diet /workout plan though.

test P- 100eod/week 1-4
dbol - 70ed/1-5

test E- 400/week 1-12
tren E- 700/week 1-12
NPP- 150 eod/1-8
Adex - .50ed/week 1-16
Prami .25ed/week 1-16 week

(bridge into post cycle therapy (pct) )
test P- 100eod/13-16
tren A- 150 eod/13-16
Stan- 50 ed/12-16

Hcg - 250x2/week 1-14
(500x2/week 15-16)

letro (on hand)
Liver support-??
post cycle therapy (pct) 17-22
Nolva ED 40/20/20/10/10/10
clomid ED 50/50//25/25
Aromasin ED 25/12.5/eod12.5/e3d12.5
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What are your stats? Imo that is wayyyy too much gear for a fifth cycle unless your a pro or trying to be one. Mixing tren and NPP could potentially give you problems as well. You may be ok with taking the prami but may not, unless you've done this before and you know you do ok with it.

Why would it be a problem to mix Tren and NPP, might I ask?
Not 100% sure, hoping someone with more experience will chime in, but if you use tren a at the end for your bridge you shouldn't use nolva for post cycle therapy (pct) or else you might end up fkin with you progesterone receptors and get bad sides. Not supposed to use nolva witha 19-nor but i would say that since you are leaving such a big gap between your 19-nors and when you actually start your post cycle therapy (pct) that they should be fully out of your system by the time post cycle therapy (pct) starts and you'd be g2g.

Again, hoping someone with more experience can either affirm or disagree