My cycle ! HELP


New member
Hey im new here but far from new to bodybuilding im 205lbs, 6'', just below 11%bf... ive done oral cycles in the past but this is my first inject. im running 4ml of test300 (100mg cypionate, 100mg enantate, 100mg propionate) per week along with 3ml of tren acetate (100mg) not at on my forth week and everything is starting to kick off, strenght is going up intense. My diet is fckn strict, low fat, low carbs high protein and i never cheat, on my forth week also. Going for 12 all in all.

What you think ? Would much appreciate it.

by the way i shoot 2ml test monday-friday and tren 1ml monday-wenesday-friday. Easy injections, no pain. post cycle therapy (pct) ready also, but thats not for now.
