My cycle!


New member
Hello all! I am about to dive into the life of AAS. I picked up 24 250/ml of Sustanon250. I wanted to start with Test E since this is my first cycle, but unfortunately it's really hard to find here. Sustanon (sust) is available OTC so i settled with that. Here's what I plan to do.

1-12 weeks 500/w

I think I'm going to pin 2ccs every Monday, so I'll do 500mg every Monday. I have nolva on hand and I will be using nolva for my PCT

Nolva will be done

I'm 27, 210 pounds. Workout is in check, and i'll be eating 4k cals a day.

I'm excited to start my first pin next Monday.

wish me luck! I'll try to keep this updated as much as possible.
Hello all. I have now officially crossed over to the dark side. I was going to take my first injection next monday, but I was anxious and wanted to start, so I did it today! Why do something tomorrow when you can it today right? I drew from 2 Organon Sust250 amps into my syringe. It was quite difficult at first. I couldn't get the timing on withdraw speed correct. With a little fiddling around, I got 2ml into my syringe. I put it into my bicep, and slowly injected. It took about 30 seconds for it all to get in. I of course cleaned the injection site beforehand with alcohol and a cotton swab.

I'm excited to start on this journey. I drew from a .5 x 25mm needle and it was pretty painless. I'm assuming this needle is too small for quads, so I'll stick to biceps and delts. I'm looking forward to the rest of my cycle!
I'm not sure what size that needle is in gauge. Find out and if it's somewhere in the 20-27 range, get to the quads instead, much better site.
Also, split up your dosage! There is test prop in Sustanon (sust), which only sticks around for a day or two - twice or three times a week is way better, split it up!

Also, 12 weeks is a bit long for a first cycle, your natural test is gonna take a while to come back! Perhaps cut it to 8 and save the rest for your next cycle?
Thanks for your response! The only needles I could find were .5x25mm. I'm assuming this is too short to inject in the quad. If you think it's fine, then I'll definitely start injecting there. Bicep injection is hurting me =( I was actually thinking about dropping the length of my cycle from 12 to 10 weeks. I'll see how it's going toward week 8 and if i'm satisfied I'll stop at 10 weeks.

As for the injections, I read many conflicting arguments. Some said 3x a week, some said 2x a week, and I read 1x a week. I personally would prefer 1 injection a week. Cobra told me that he does m/w/f injections. I've read on other sites that 1x a week is better. Even though it has test prop in it, Sustanon (sust) was designed for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and they tend to inject once a week. Thanks for your response, and I'll keep this updated as much as possible.
Thanks for your response! The only needles I could find were .5x25mm. I'm assuming this is too short to inject in the quad. If you think it's fine, then I'll definitely start injecting there. Bicep injection is hurting me =( I was actually thinking about dropping the length of my cycle from 12 to 10 weeks. I'll see how it's going toward week 8 and if i'm satisfied I'll stop at 10 weeks.

As for the injections, I read many conflicting arguments. Some said 3x a week, some said 2x a week, and I read 1x a week. I personally would prefer 1 injection a week. Cobra told me that he does m/w/f injections. I've read on other sites that 1x a week is better. Even though it has test prop in it, Sustanon (sust) was designed for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and they tend to inject once a week. Thanks for your response, and I'll keep this updated as much as possible.

Actually, 0.5mm is about 25 gauge (if 0.5mm is the outer needle diameter - Needle gauge comparison chart - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ), which is a decent size, 25mm length is about an inch long, so you should be g2g for thighs. The biceps aren't a great place to inject! Also, good idea for dropping the length, 12 weeks is kinda a lot for any cycle, IMO. Breaking up your dose though is still a better idea, to keep a constant amount in your blood stream, as opposed to sharply decreasing on the 5th and 6th days. Most people do twice or three times a week on Sustanon (sust), I would recommend at least twice. The reason for once a week on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) patients is simply convenience - it would be too inconvenient for a patient to come in every other day.
BTW, where is this that you can get Sustanon (sust) over the counter?
Good luck dude!
Actually, 0.5mm is about 25 gauge (if 0.5mm is the outer needle diameter - Needle gauge comparison chart - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ), which is a decent size, 25mm length is about an inch long, so you should be g2g for thighs. The biceps aren't a great place to inject! Also, good idea for dropping the length, 12 weeks is kinda a lot for any cycle, IMO. Breaking up your dose though is still a better idea, to keep a constant amount in your blood stream, as opposed to sharply decreasing on the 5th and 6th days. Most people do twice or three times a week on Sustanon (sust), I would recommend at least twice. The reason for once a week on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) patients is simply convenience - it would be too inconvenient for a patient to come in every other day.
BTW, where is this that you can get Sustanon (sust) over the counter?
Good luck dude!

thanks a bunch! yeah I'm pretty ignorant when it comes to needle sizes, but still trying to learn. are we allowed to link threads to other websites here? If so I have a link to a thread by needtogetaas from elite fitness and he states injecting once a week is ideal. if I were to inject 2x a week, when should I do my next dose? I did 2cc for 500mg on friday. when should I inject the next 250mg amp?

I live in Asia, vietnam. Sust250 is available otc but regular Test is pretty hard to find. I wanted to do test Enth for my first cycle but I would have to go to Thailand or something. Deca is also available here but its 50mg/ml. was thinking about adding it to my next cycle, but it's hard to find caber or anything else for prolactin based gyno, plus injecting 6ccs of deca at 50mg/ml a week doesn't sound to enticing.

thanks for your help. I'll definitely inject in the quads next time. my bicep is killing me!
Had my first workout today. Did chest. No noticeable increase in strength or pump, but I'm only 3 days into my cycle so I can't expect such a drastic change! Bicep is not as sore anymore. Last 2 days it felt like it got stepped on by an elephant. Pain has subsided, and I have definitely decided to inject into the quads from now on. Can't wait for my next pin this Friday!
thanks a bunch! yeah I'm pretty ignorant when it comes to needle sizes, but still trying to learn. are we allowed to link threads to other websites here? If so I have a link to a thread by needtogetaas from elite fitness and he states injecting once a week is ideal. if I were to inject 2x a week, when should I do my next dose? I did 2cc for 500mg on friday. when should I inject the next 250mg amp?

I live in Asia, vietnam. Sust250 is available otc but regular Test is pretty hard to find. I wanted to do test Enth for my first cycle but I would have to go to Thailand or something. Deca is also available here but its 50mg/ml. was thinking about adding it to my next cycle, but it's hard to find caber or anything else for prolactin based gyno, plus injecting 6ccs of deca at 50mg/ml a week doesn't sound to enticing.

thanks for your help. I'll definitely inject in the quads next time. my bicep is killing me!

Maybe start Monday/Thursday or Monday/Friday for biweekly injections. Definitely good idea on avoiding the biceps - it's really one of the more sensitive spots for injections. It normally takes a bit longer also to "feel" results
12 weeks is good for sustanon cycle even if its a first cycle...8 weeks is kinda too short to take advantage of the deconate ester.

Pin the Sustanon (sust) 2x a week...most pros will agree on this one
(personally i would do 3x a week for the first 2 weeks then do 2x a week for the rest of the cycle but 2x is perfectly fine)

Start your pct 3 weeks after the last injection. Since its your first cycle nolva alone might be enough but than again your not 20yo and it wont be that easy to get your natural test production up that fast. Can you get some clomid? Run clomid for 4 weeks along with nolva that will fix your shit right up. 50/25/25/25 of clomid should do the trick, but most of the people go from 100 to 50 of clomid

Anyways gl bro...sust is awesome you will love it
Yeah I was able to find Serophene here. I asked in the post cycle therapy (pct) sticky and DET said it's the same as clomid. I'll pick that up and run
serophene 50/50/50/50
nolva 20/20/10/10
for post cycle therapy (pct).
Second pin done in the right quad. Hopefully it's not as sore as my bicep injection. Looking forward to the next week of training!
Another update. 3rd Pin yesterday. I've decided to go from 1 pin a week to 2x a week. I'll be pinning 250 on Fri/Tues for the duration of my cycle. Warmed up the vial, pinned left quad. It is much less sore doing 1cc compared to 2. Appetite has been up, eating alot of food. Not really feeling the pump in the gym, but I'm looking forward to feeling good in week 3-4. I've noticed strength gains, and I feel a little more energy in the gym. Looking forward to the next week of training!
Hansbrolo, how was your cycle in Vietnam ? I live in Ho Chi Minh and if you are anywhere nearby I'd love to meet somebody that is doing a cycle here. Nobody seem to know anything about steroids in Vietnam and orals seem to be pretty hard to obtain - at least for me that is. I tried to send you a PM but looks like I have to come up with 50 board messages before I'm able to do that and I don't want to mess up this site with 'post whoring' :)

I'm currently running Sustanon 250 only as you can get it from everywhere.. I don't feel like using Deca with it. I have so many questions regarding your Thailand trips and online orders :) Cheers mate!

And for other forum users: Sorry for being a dick and raising up 2 years old thread. In Vietnam you can get Deca, Andriol, Letrozole, Arimidex and apparently some form of Clomid from pharmacies. 100% real stuff. I haven't found any way to check up which roids are legal and which are not and that is a real headache here when you want to transfer something from ex. Thailand or China. You don't want to end up in jail for 17 years because you wanted to do a cycle, especially if you are planning to live here for good!
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