New member
I've been planning this cycle for awhile now, I'm starting it tomorrow and it is going to end directly on the 4th of July in Tahoe! Yeeeeeahhh baby! I've taken about 5 cycles in total, a couple great ones and a couple stupid ones where I didn't gain shit. Well you live and you learn! So here is my cycle and I want to hear your guys opinions. I was supposed to get some tren in the mail but the damn package got seized!!! So I'm going to work with the Clen I've already had! I new it would come in handy one day!
Weeks: Product: Amount:
1-5. Dbol 50mg ED
1. Test E 500 mg a week
2-9 ^ 750 mg a week
10. ^ 500 mg a week
11-12 ^ 250 mg a week
6-9 Ostarine 25 mg ED
1-5 Arimadex .25 mg EOD
6-10. ^. .50 mg EOD
11-12. ^. 1 mg EOD
6-7 Clen. 20/40/60/80/100mcg ED
build up and maintain
until day 14. When 14
days r up, 50 mg of Benodryl
10-11. ^. (same) ^
So weeks (1-5) I am keeping arimadex levels low because I don't want it interfering with my GAINZ and it should hold me over until the fifth week. High test dosage for maximum ability to gain muscle. I am eating clean but with bulky foods, brown rice, steaks, etc. Shooting for 5-6,000 calories a day. I'm going to be taking a serious mass shake every day, delicious!
And weeks (6-10) lowering arimadex levels to lower some water weight. High Test dosage to keep muscle loss at a minimum. I will be eating clean af during this time period! Lower calorie intake to around 1,500-2,000 calories with strict carb intake and a SHIT ton of clean proteins. Egg whites, fish, tuna. Etc. I will be out doing sprints 3 times a week to engage fast twitch muscles to keep muscle loss to a minimum.
And finally weeks (11-12) I'm raising arimadex levels to 1 mg EOD to get as dry as possible before Lake Tahoe on the 4th!
Keep sodium intake to almost nothing. Lowering test dosage to 250 mg a week to keep bloating at a minimum! Same exact cardio!
((((((((Here is where I need help!!!!!!)))))))))
I've had a bottle of Clen for the past 2 years. It's 200 mcg per ML!! I have no clue at all whatsoever how to measure this with a syringe and take it orally? Is there a mcg tool that measures ONLY Mcg's? Is 50 mcg .5 of a ml???? Just trying to make sure.
Please give me your guys opinions! I'm very confident in the entire cycle. Just the Clen part is sketching me out a tad. I will be keeping you informed every 2 weeks on cycle! Pictures etc.
Week 1. 245 IBS. Bench 340
(No idea on squat, haven't done it in awhile due to knee injury in college football)
Weeks: Product: Amount:
1-5. Dbol 50mg ED
1. Test E 500 mg a week
2-9 ^ 750 mg a week
10. ^ 500 mg a week
11-12 ^ 250 mg a week
6-9 Ostarine 25 mg ED
1-5 Arimadex .25 mg EOD
6-10. ^. .50 mg EOD
11-12. ^. 1 mg EOD
6-7 Clen. 20/40/60/80/100mcg ED
build up and maintain
until day 14. When 14
days r up, 50 mg of Benodryl
10-11. ^. (same) ^
So weeks (1-5) I am keeping arimadex levels low because I don't want it interfering with my GAINZ and it should hold me over until the fifth week. High test dosage for maximum ability to gain muscle. I am eating clean but with bulky foods, brown rice, steaks, etc. Shooting for 5-6,000 calories a day. I'm going to be taking a serious mass shake every day, delicious!
And weeks (6-10) lowering arimadex levels to lower some water weight. High Test dosage to keep muscle loss at a minimum. I will be eating clean af during this time period! Lower calorie intake to around 1,500-2,000 calories with strict carb intake and a SHIT ton of clean proteins. Egg whites, fish, tuna. Etc. I will be out doing sprints 3 times a week to engage fast twitch muscles to keep muscle loss to a minimum.
And finally weeks (11-12) I'm raising arimadex levels to 1 mg EOD to get as dry as possible before Lake Tahoe on the 4th!
Keep sodium intake to almost nothing. Lowering test dosage to 250 mg a week to keep bloating at a minimum! Same exact cardio!
((((((((Here is where I need help!!!!!!)))))))))
I've had a bottle of Clen for the past 2 years. It's 200 mcg per ML!! I have no clue at all whatsoever how to measure this with a syringe and take it orally? Is there a mcg tool that measures ONLY Mcg's? Is 50 mcg .5 of a ml???? Just trying to make sure.
Please give me your guys opinions! I'm very confident in the entire cycle. Just the Clen part is sketching me out a tad. I will be keeping you informed every 2 weeks on cycle! Pictures etc.
Week 1. 245 IBS. Bench 340
(No idea on squat, haven't done it in awhile due to knee injury in college football)