My Deca/Test E Cycle

You can't be serious with this cycle can you? You're doing way to much for a beginner not to mention this is basically your first cycle and your only 166 pounds.
You can't be serious with this cycle can you? You're doing way to much for a beginner not to mention this is basically your first cycle and your only 166 pounds.

I appreciate your input on my thread.

I was 210 at the beginning of the year, and have cut down this far.

My "first" cycle I took to week 4, my "second" I think I ended at week 7, I was running Test E and dbol.

What would you suggest I cut the cycle down too?

On another note.
Im still at 176
yesterday I did shoulders, had a great work out, lifted heavy.

Today was legs, and I realized part way through it I should have done legs yesterday. My Traps were so sore it hurt doing squats.
Well tomorrow is week #4
Still sitting at 176.5lbs, I have noticed a definite increase in appetite over the last few days.
I have also felt completely run down over the last few days. I had 11 hours of sleep last night, felt awesome up until about 2pm today and now Im absolutely exhausted again.
Well I definitely have/had test flu
I skipped work, and slept 16 hours today, and I feel a million times better.
Had a wicked Back/Bis workout today.
my bad. Way to go!! Goodluck with your cycle bro .. I really hope it works well. Dont forget to give us updates , im watching for them lol

Thanks, got no sleep last night, literally 2 hours. So I missed the gym today.
Im exhausted yet I cant sleep. It sucks.
Not to bud in but.... I am on a deca test e cycle and having troubles sleeping for a long time... same shit happening to you talon... Just curious
183, eatting a tonne of salmon, pork tenderloin and chicken.

Last 5-6 nights, Ive had some CRAZY sleep.
I wake up to use the washroom in the middle of the night, and I am drenched in sweat. Is this normal?
I am also on test/e-deca 500ml week for 2 weeks. My plan is to then only space them apart for 6 days same ml for two 6 day periods, then space it apart only 5 days for 4, 5 day weeks then back to 6 day weeks for 2 weeks, then back to 2 weeks of 7 days apart, same dasages. Any thoughts?