My Diet (in college need help)


New member
Ok My Diet(by the way my body was hard but now i have a lot of FAT):

I usually take 80-100 grams of protein shakes(Sci fit Whey Protein)
Eat around a dozen hard bolied eggs(no yolk)
Can of Black Eyed Peas 24 g potein/4 grams of fat
Water and Grape juice
Creatine Monohydrate once aday in Grape juice
1-2 glass(es) of milk 2% (8oz.)
Sci-fit's Chromium Picolonate 200 mcg's/day(what does this do?)
Various fruits and vegetables
( I over do it on 'noodles' like macaroni and pasta)

Any suggestions? More things i can eat to stay healthy? Or get a ripped as big body? I'm not pro or anything, just want to start too look good for spring break! Right now I am 5-10, 220 pounds of pure muscle and balls...just kidding. But I am 5-10, 220.
I also take one Equate Complete Multivitamin/Multimineral daily usually after my first meal. I also eat a can of tune daily as well. (water based)
Sweet Potato
Brown Rice

Eat every 2 - 3 hours and make sure you get about 50 grams of protein each meal. I am in university as well, so I know dieting can be very tough. You just have to make up a game plan and stick to it!
Easto said:
Protein is great, but you also need carbs and fat for energy as well.
correct as usual ;) , dorian claims he got most of his gains from high carb diets because he said he couldnt afford meat when he started out
Wow, i was always told that carbs were a no no. ???? I wonder why this is? So noodles aren't as bad as it seems? SO is this a go ahead on noodles, i really don't like fatty foods anyways, so that a plus. I took this Supplement 'EXPLODE' it was awesome, 50 g protein, 25g fat, 25g carb. Have you ever heard of it? Awesome stuff, awesome.