My Diet - Opinions Wanted....

josh 1989

Okay so this is my diet, im not exactly going for bulk or lean right now just sort of keeping it clean to get into a routine i guess, my stats are -

Age - 21
Height - 5ft 10
weight - 160lbs
body fat - around 8%


6.45 AM whey shake with 150 ml semi skim milk and 30g powdered oats in it.

9.30 AM 6 egg whites, 100g super noodles

12 PM chicken breast / tuna with 100g broccoli

3.30 PM chicken breast with (brown rice half cup full)

5.30 Train

6.30 - 7.00 Post work out shake - whey

9.00 PM Tuna with salad

10.30 Casien

im sort of in good shape around my mid section with around 29 inch waist, not looking to expand it as i say just wantin to know if anyone would add or takeaway stuff from the diet as a sort of maintain diet

thanks guys :)