My DNP log


Amateur Bodybuilder
Hello all I decided I wanted to make a log for any of you who are interested in reading. I will be adding DNP to my current anabolic cycle.

Let me say this, I don't reccommend anyone using this stuff it can be dangerous and you MUST know what you are doing before even thinking about it. Research research research. Diet and cardio and maybe eca are better options to those looking for ways to lose fat.

My cycle is Test EQ and I am at week 13 at the moment. I have my test set at 700mg/wk and EQ at 600mg/wk. I plan on doing the DNP during weeks 13-14 or about 8-12 days, depending on how I feel. I just started the other day so I'll post how it went, and I will try to post every day or every few days.

My DNP is 200mg capsules powder DNP with Vitamin C filler by Apotek.

Starting stats: 6'0 200lbs and around 12%BF
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Summary of days one and 2.
Day 1
Starting weight 200lbs
dose 200mg capsule

so today all I felt was a little warm and tired.

Day 2
weight 199
dose 200mg
today I was sweating quite a bit. took dose 1st thing in the morning along with my breakfast at 9am. The heat settled down by 3pm and all is well.

Day 3
weight 201
dose 400mg (2 caps)
took 1st dose in morning and 2nd about 8 hours later. I was very warm today. Sweating plenty, drinking lots of water trying to stay cool. Went to go see a movie at the theatre. By the end of the movie I was sweating like I had just gotten off the stairmaster. Back soaked and sweat dripping down my neck. water retention I am noticing, probably why I am up a pound. Suprisingly I did not feel lethargic today, Caffeine helps quite a bit.
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Sure I'll do my best to explain it and will try to leave some article links too.

Dnp is a fat burner, it is a chemical called (2,4-Dinitrophenol). It's an uncoupler of oxidative phosphorylation. DNP blocks the process of ATP generation in your body. ATP is a source of energy which comes from the breakdown of food - carbs and fats. Since DNP blocks this process, your body turns to the adipose tissues stored in your body and breaks those down for energy.

DNP has a protein sparing effect, so it does not break down your muscles, instead goes straight to the fat stores.

This causes metabolism to increase by 50% or more (depending on dose) and side effects such as lethargy and sweating.

Side effects: sweating, feeling hot and tired, carb cravings are the common sides.
Results: DNP has a reputation of causing rapid fat loss, in many cases burning up to a pound of fat per day. It is extremely effective fat loss aid.

DNP must be used with caution though, because if dosage gets too high it can eventually cause dehydration or death. If used at a reasonable dose and responsibly it is fairly safe.

How does DNP Accually work?

T NATION | Inferno: My Week on DNP
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Day 4
I did not check weight today
Dose: 200mg
Woke up and my towel was wet. Had my fan blasting on me no sheets or blankets. Just laying on wet towels I changed them then slept for another few hours. 10 hr sleep total, I must have been tired. Woke up with very very dry mouth good thing I keep 2 water bottles by my bed.

Diet was mostly protein today with a little carbs and tiny amount of fats. Did not feel too hungry during the day.
Today I was pretty warm and sweaty but overall I felt pretty good. Pee is kinda dark I need to drink more fluids, I have already gone through a 28 pack of waters in about 3 days. I went to a baseball game, thank God it was a night game, I was still sweating even with it being cool and windy outside.
I was trying DNP 5 times. You should eat more carbs, carbs are response for the heat and fat burning. If you will try 600 mgs a day don't forget to eat a lot before the sleep. When I don't eat enough I was vomitting. I would like to tell you more stories and advices but I'm not good in English. GL
Thanks, I will do that. As a general rule of thumb, it is always a good idea to eat while taking a drug. DNP is no exception to this rule and I notice a little nausea when I take on a light stomach. Today I will eat up before my dose.

My plan is to stick to 200-400mg each day for another week. I am doing really well and plan on staying at this dose since I know it is working. I have to work today so I only take low dose 200mg. I might bump up to 600mg later on this week.
Day 5
Dose: 400mg

Was fairly warm today. Sweating, thirsty etc. Nothing special
Had a bit of trouble sleeping. Got about 6 hrs then woke up freezing due to fan on high and not having any blankets. Then I put 1 sheet on me and woke up 2 hours later soaked and extremely hot. Then I took sheet off and got another hour and woke up freezing due to no sheets. Repeated this a couple times till I woke up. Felt like I had a mild hangover. Drank 3 bottles of water and took 2 hours to snap out of it. All better now
Damn bro, have you exhausted all of your other options before delving into this? eca, albuterol, clen, diet plans? It just seems to extreme, that the benefits won't outweigh the risks.
I know that. I was sleeping with sheet and with ventilator switch on. Now Im on T3, clen and insulin and doing the same. Sometimes I try melatonin for better sleeping.
don't worry what the scales says while you are on DNP.....weigh yourself about 3-5 days after you get off to see the real fat loss. DNP makes you hold water so it may look like you're not losing but you are. once you get off and all that water leaves is when you see just how much.
Day 6
dose 200mg
weight 197lbs

Average DNP day: hot, sweaty, drinking lots of fluids, woke up in sweat pools. Also my stomach started to notice the DNP. To be brief, I was about halfway to diarrea but not as bad. Took 1/2 of a loperamide and I only shit 2x that day.

Day 7
dose 400mg

Sweating is really bad, I feel a little uncomfortable due to heat. Aircon on all day, fan on all day, just sitting and relaxing. I had very loose stools and 2-4 bowel movements today. Took a loperamide also that helped quite a bit. Had to work today. That sucked, I was sweating like crazy and bloating was bad. I couldnt sit and drink water so I was moving around whole shift sweating. Face looks like a stop sign lol

Not gonna lie, I almost shit-farted as I was driving home from work. I think this is partially because I hardly ate anything all day. Did not have any hunger. I still forced down some cereal, banana, apple, and small stuff. Drank 2-3 gallons of water also.
Night sweats were pretty bad that night also. Pillow soaked, sheets wet etc.

Day 7 was my last day, thank God. I have some important stuff I need to be doing this week and do not have time to sit around sweating and making trips to the toilet. Gonna take a few weeks/months off and go at it again at a later time.
And for today

It has been a day since last dose of DNP. That whole 36hour half life thing seems off. I think the way it works is it accumulates. It builds up, and the longer you been on dnp, the longer it takes to wear off.
Since I was on it for a week only, I noticed by the 24hr mark it was mostly gone. It's weird, DNP has a peak for the first 6-12 hours after each dose then the side effects tend to ease up. I would say its half life was more around the 16-18hr mark. It's been almost 36 hours and I am almost back to normal. I do not get sweaty from eating carbs today, but I am still a little warm. I imagine it will be mostly worn off by next day or so.

Also hit the gym, my buddy noticed I look leaner, and more defined. It seems I lost a little fat around my lower back and by my obliques/abs. Weighed in at 195lbs and still holding some water. I predict that after the water falls off and the glycogen gets back to normal I will be around 194-195lbs overall. I would guess I lost about 1% total bodyfat so MY guess is I went from 12% to 11. I did not get my fat checked though so just saying thats what I think.

At the gym I was only doing about 75-85% of my usual weight not pushing too hard. Just wanted to get a quick workout in since I had missed the past 5 days.

Overall I was pretty impressed. I did not lose a massive amount of weight, but considering I only did it for a week I'm very impressed.
I will definately be doing more of this during the winter time so I can have my window open and have an easier time cooling down. I will be taking some time off and will be back at it at another time.