My Evolution!!


First picture: Aug. 2006

Second picture: Nov. 2006

Third Picture: Jan. 2007 (flexin)

Fourth picture:Feb. 2007 (After workout)

Any suggestions, moans, growns, and complaints will do! Here to learn!!
Nice gains but we need more pics from different angles, what was your cycle/ weight gained ??
Outlawtas2: Currently i am 5'7'' and weighing in at 167lbs. My old workout program was the basics pretty much:
1-chest/tri's.. 2-back/ bi's..3.legs..4-rest. Did that routine for about 6mo. Now i am on the split of: 1-Chest/delts..2-cardio..3-back/arms 4-legs.
I run 1 mile after i work out. Workout time is 7p.m. Abs are EOD. Just as of today i am running at 415 am. and in the evening i will continue also. I am cutting right now for the next 45 days.(Going on vacation from Iraq) Gotta look lean for my brittish babe. LOL! I am enjoying the hell outta the new split routine.

Angrymuscles: HAHA! Never heard that one but i'll take that...Being a former Jarhead i like to grapple and was somewhat active in learning techinques they had to offer in their advanced training.
Lucky13. OH most fefinetly will post up shots from different angles. I have a butt load in fact. I am always on that camera and have many shots from July till now. What would be some good ones to put on here for debate??
My first cycle i ran super test 250 with Nandrolone decanoate in late OCT. The only thing was, i didnt sneak enough out here for what i really wanted. But i cant complain one bit for my first cycle. I sooo wish i was doing 1 cc tues/thur for 12 weeks. but i had enough to do 1 cc of each every 5 days for just under 8 weeks! :( I started out at 152lbs and now i am tipping 165)
I dieted while on gear because in week three i was getting comments that i was filling out alot Ie...face!!! I liked the fact i was gaining weight but i had to lean out while in was "on" so mentally i wasn't killing myself thinking i was fat. Stupid... but it is true!
Now i am just lifting hard as hell and dieting. I drink Nitro tech and eat very clean as of now! I can post the diet later?
Will be cutting for the next 45 days then will just incorporate more protein in my diet, Then in July i wanna hit something else?? Super test 250 again???
I will post up some back and leg shots for you all! The only thing that i am lagging on doing are deads. I have to do them!!! But yea i do like to work out my back though. Pics in 24hrs.!!!
Rear lat spread, double front/rear bicep pose are all gooduns...ur stomach is the money shaker but great proportions all over...keep up the good work!
Look at your fucking faggot ass , you nigga ass nigga, shits weak wizzeak !!!! What it is you fag boy !! I dont kno y your down here sleepin in my fuckin tool room when you should b upstairs in your office doin a job that doesnt exist, whats your fucking job title you fuk ??? KGL rep??? O wait one fuckin fat Mcbuffson mike mike , there is no such thing as KGL you fag , by the way the piks look madd good ,keep up the good work !!!