My First AAS Cycle....


New member
Recently I have been toying around to set up my first AAS cycle but oral only.

I know most of it goes to waste in liver(if not c17alpha alkylated) first pass & also causes liver toxicity. But still being my very first cycle I want to do oral cycle. (Dont want needles & ampules of aas @ home!)
After reading a lot I have chosen Oxandrolone, yes it is c17alpha alkylated but with it I plan to run liver protection, my choice for liver protection,

1. Ursodeoxycholic Acid
2. Liv 52

And after reading a lot about Oxandrolone not requiring post cycle therapy (pct) and/or requiring, I have decided to run a Clomid Nolva combo post cycle therapy (pct).

I'll be stacking clenbuterol with Oxandrolone.

Cycle Details
75mg ED for 5 weeks
UDAC & Liv 52 daily
post cycle therapy (pct)
Day 1 Clomid 150mg + Nolva 60mg
Day 2-10 Clomid 100mg + Nolva 40
Day 10-21 Clomid 50mg + Nolva 20mg
Day 22-28 Nolva 20mg

Since Oxandrolone is not that androgenic may be I can lower the post cycle therapy (pct) dosing?
This is not a bulk cycle but rather cut, will be running a calorie deficit. Low or moderate carbs.
So what are your thoughts about all this?

Body Stats
Age - 29
Height - 175cm
Weight - 79 kg
BF% 24 (measured on Inbody machine "")
Lifting experience - Intermediate

Also i'll be going for my routine blood work soon, so what blood test should I include before starting cycle?
I'll be doing blood work post cycle also.
Recently I have been toying around to set up my first AAS cycle but oral only.

I know most of it goes to waste in liver(if not c17alpha alkylated) first pass & also causes liver toxicity. But still being my very first cycle I want to do oral cycle. (Dont want needles & ampules of aas @ home!)
After reading a lot I have chosen Oxandrolone, yes it is c17alpha alkylated but with it I plan to run liver protection, my choice for liver protection,

1. Ursodeoxycholic Acid
2. Liv 52

And after reading a lot about Oxandrolone not requiring PCT and/or requiring, I have decided to run a Clomid Nolva combo PCT.

I'll be stacking clenbuterol with Oxandrolone.

Cycle Details
75mg ED for 5 weeks
UDAC & Liv 52 daily
Day 1 Clomid 150mg + Nolva 60mg
Day 2-10 Clomid 100mg + Nolva 40
Day 10-21 Clomid 50mg + Nolva 20mg
Day 22-28 Nolva 20mg

Since Oxandrolone is not that androgenic may be I can lower the PCT dosing?
This is not a bulk cycle but rather cut, will be running a calorie deficit. Low or moderate carbs.
So what are your thoughts about all this?

Body Stats
Age - 29
Height - 175cm
Weight - 79 kg
BF% 24 (measured on Inbody machine "")
Lifting experience - Intermediate

Also i'll be going for my routine blood work soon, so what blood test should I include before starting cycle?
I'll be doing blood work post cycle also.

Very few, if any, knowledgable members on here will recommend an oral only cycle, especially as a first cycle. The C17aa as you mentioned is added to the formula so your liver does not "deactivate" the drug. The down side is C17aa is liver toxic. Anavar, for some reason, is reportedly less hepatoxic than similar C17aa orals, but again the toxicity is still present and most of the gains will not stick unless testosterone is added as a base. There's another thread in the main forum where a member is trying out an Anavar only cycle and there's pretty good info in there, I'd suggest to check it out. As far as blood work goes, get a hormone panel and also a liver enzyme panel so you know your baseline figures when you get bloods done after cycle. If you're nervous about having ampules and needles at home you should really rethink your decision to start a cycle as test is the foundation for most cycles and the recommended cycle for beginners. 75mg ED will shut down your natural test production so by taking Anavar only it's like your taking one step forward and one step back. Look up the thread " 1st time user of Anavar with cycle questions" and pay attention to the posts by halfwit and bhrees
I'm by no means an expert but I think that most experienced members here will advise you to get your bf% lower before going to any kind of AAS cycle whether it be oral only or not.
Just read the article about using clomid as test booster. Very basically I can stack around 25mg clomid with anavar & when anavar cycle is over continue with clomid for PCT. Question is how much clomid & for how may weeks for PCT. I want to skip Nolva if I can.

Is clomid nolva combo PCT too much for Anavar only cycle (Assuming I run 25mg Clomid ED with Anavar 75mg)

I am concerned over Nolva dropping igf-1 levels.
Seriously, don't waste your money/time on an anavar ONLY cycle. You're shutting down your natural testosterone for a mild steroid. If you want to do AAS, do it right and start with a nice, simple test ONLY cycle for 12 weeks. You can find several examples in the stickies at the top of the AAS forum. You'll be doing yourself a favor this way. If you REALLY want to use anavar and have already made your purchase, you can do it for 6 weeks at the end of the test cycle, but I would recommend getting a feel for the most "basic" of AAS first.

My .02c :)