my first conversion


New member
This is my first conversion, Im using the following recipe:

For 6 grams of 1-test cyp powder add 9 mls of BB(1.5mls per gram), 1.5mls of BA, and about 18 mls of grapeseed oil, to the Powder. Boil some water, and take off the burner. Stick vial in the water, swirl around a bit, stick it back in the water. Keep doing this until dissolved. Let it cool to room temp. Make sure the 1-T cyp does not drop out. Re heat the water to almost boiling, and take off the burner. Let the 1-Cyp solution sit in the water for a minute maybe. Using a .45um filter, filter solution into a sterile vial, making sure to vent with a 25 g pin to vent pressure. Voila, 200mg/ml 1-T Cyp.

Im going to use the same procedure for my 4-ad cyp powder, does everything look like its in order? Should I bake the finished product?

Not many people around here will be able to help you. We use and convert the real thing, don't really know what the solvent ratios would be to make it a depot. That is a shitload of BB though, do you really need that much?
4ad cyp will go 300mg/ml no prob with 6% ba.

the 1 test cyp is gonna be 175mg/ml or so with that recipe.

dont worry about the boiling water. put the solvents and the powder in a vial and set directly on the eye of an electric stove on medium high. swirl occassionally. it will clear in just a minute or so. once it clears add oil, shake and put back on eye of stove (or a hot plate) til it clears again. its ready to filter now.

good luck. dont know about the 1t cyp but you gonna love the 4ad cyp. the 4ADne is awesome as well but a pain to work with. anything above 75mg/ml is a hurtin bitch.