my first cycle! and first post!


New member
Decided to start my first cycle because I was tired of my size. Have been all natty up until this point. Training for about 6 years. Did my first pin this morning ( hate needles so much i got the spins+sweats and almost passed out injecting ha). my cycle will be mild 250mg/wk test c for 8 weeks (might bump it up to 300mg at some point) also 30mg everyday for 3 weeks of furazadrol in beginning and at end.hcg 250iu e5d during. start post cycle therapy (pct) 2 wks after last it will look like this.
week 1-8 test c 250mg/wk
week 1-3 furazadrol 30mg ed
week 6-8 furazadrol 30mg ed
hcg all weeks 250iu's
height: 5'9
weight: 165
bf%: around 7%
cold measurements tight tape
if anyone has questions or comments please post. I will try to keep updates every week. first day of injection, leg already starting to hurt. injected to low i think? leg muscle twitched severely so pull out and injected two inches higher up. work out was pretty mediocre today. I allowed myself to eat whenever i felt like it, and i ate till i was a little uncomfortable. I think first injection might have hit some tendon. sore all the way down to knee.
OK, so I trying to get enough courage to pin myself again since last time didn't go so well. my weight is up but not very much of it fatfree mass, but its only the first week so i hope accelerate I understand about week 3 will really see some gains.
bf%: around 8.5
arms: 15
waist: 31
legs: 22.5
I believe my fatfree mass went from around 153 to 156 ( most of it water)
why are you taking such a small dose ??? only 250 a week will shut you down the same as any other dose and you will only be putting urself up close to what would be natty production ... u should bump that up to 400mg minimum IMO and taking test CYP for only 8 weeks is also another waste ..

im surprised no one has posted here already.... but you should read the first cycle stickies and what not!!!
why are you taking such a small dose ??? only 250 a week will shut you down the same as any other dose and you will only be putting urself up close to what would be natty production ... u should bump that up to 400mg minimum IMO and taking test CYP for only 8 weeks is also another waste ..

im surprised no one has posted here already.... but you should read the first cycle stickies and what not!!!

agreed....yeah bro bump it up...test c or e take around 4 weeks to kick in so by week 8 you will be half way through that bottle with very little gains if any at all....need to do more research and like J R said read the stickies.

on the other hand you have a great built to start with...if you do this right you will get great gains.
well, i have done some research and also read william llewelly's book "anabolics" 9th addition. Very informative book. it was hard to get ahold of and cost about 100 bucks. from what i understand my natural test weekly should be around 75 mg's. and iam injecting 250 mg of test c, which is actually 70 mg per every 100. so i should be getting in about 175mg of test which is way more then my natural production. I am only doing an 8 week cycle because this book suggested it for a first, test only cycle. and i will be bumping it up to 350 my last 3 or 4 weeks i have decided, also per book info. Im getting my test from cvs so i know potency should be close. there is also a study out done in Australia I believe, where they found that you only need to take 3.5 times the milligrams vs your bodyweight in kilograms for measurable mass gains
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400-500mg/week should be the dose for a first cycle of test and run it for 12 weeks and then proper PCT anything less is a waste of time,it takes a least 6 weeks for the test to kick in
400-500mg/week should be the dose for a first cycle of test and run it for 12 weeks and then proper post cycle therapy (pct) anything less is a waste of time,it takes a least 6 weeks for the test to kick in

He wont listen....He read william llewelly's book "anabolics" 9th
LMAO...sounds like

funny shit though...he will learn just like we all did...but when i did my 1st cycle (15yrs ago) there werent boards like this to learn was all trial and error and wtf was pct...lmao

i do with him luck and i know he will come back and say we were all
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Man you are small and look really young too me.You need to do more squats and leg work for those tiny legs you have.
thanks for the comments even though you are dicks. when i stop making gains i will up the dose, untill then iam continuing. and i do squats. i can squat over 400. not a huge amount but at 180 now, thats not horrible.

this week:

weight: 180
bf %: 10
waist: 31.5
legs: 22.75