Decided to start my first cycle because I was tired of my size. Have been all natty up until this point. Training for about 6 years. Did my first pin this morning ( hate needles so much i got the spins+sweats and almost passed out injecting ha). my cycle will be mild 250mg/wk test c for 8 weeks (might bump it up to 300mg at some point) also 30mg everyday for 3 weeks of furazadrol in beginning and at end.hcg 250iu e5d during. start post cycle therapy (pct) 2 wks after last it will look like this.
week 1-8 test c 250mg/wk
week 1-3 furazadrol 30mg ed
week 6-8 furazadrol 30mg ed
hcg all weeks 250iu's
height: 5'9
weight: 165
bf%: around 7%
cold measurements tight tape
week 1-8 test c 250mg/wk
week 1-3 furazadrol 30mg ed
week 6-8 furazadrol 30mg ed
hcg all weeks 250iu's
height: 5'9
weight: 165
bf%: around 7%
cold measurements tight tape