My first cycle. Full details.


New member
Quick description:
Previously 340lbs 40% BF, been training for 20 months. Hit a plateau, friend tried to convince me to do HGH, being only 21 nearly 22 decided to go AAS instead.

Age: 21
Height: 6'
Weight: 225~230lbs
BF: 20~21% electrical current machine not calipers


2 eggs
250ml egg white
Half bell pepper
Stick Pepperoni

Protein Shake
1 Scoop protein 24g
400mL Almond Milk
5 Strawberries
1 Banana

Small gluten free bread of some sort w. Jam

8oz Almond Milk
1 Scoop protein 31g

1/2 Cup Quinoa
1 Chicken Breast
Handful Broccoli
8oz Almond Milk
1 Scoop protein 31g

8oz Almond Milk
1 Scoop protein 31g

1 Chicken Breast
2 slices Ezekiel bread
Handful of spinach
2 Handfuls of Broccoli (occasional trade 1 handful for Brussels sprouts/carrots/chopped bell pepper)

Protein Shake:
1 Scoop protein 24g
400mL Almond Milk
5 Strawberries
1 Banana

Works out to:
200-230g of protein
Haven't counted the carbs tbh

6 Days a week, Occasionally 7 days a week. Starting Crossfit which will be 1hr Mon-Fri
Plan to maintain personal gym plan on top of Crossfit.

Note: Every day ends with abs. Considering making my Day 6 strictly a Core day.
Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6
Extended Cardio


Finally; my cycle.
Little more back ground information; I've been on and off Clenbuterol cycles for last 12 months. Typically do 3 weeks on 3 weeks off. Between June/11 and October/11 no cycles.

Week 1 - 3
500mg Testex Test C from Medistar 2 injections Wednesday Morning / Saturday Night
Ventipulmin (Clen) 1 Pump ED

Week 4 - 6
500mg Testex Test C from Medistar 2 injections Wednesday Morning / Saturday Night

Week 7
500mg Testex Test C from Medistar 2 injections Wednesday Morning / Saturday Night
Ventipulmin (Clen) 1 Pump ED
Start Prosum T3 50mcg first 2 days 75mcg for 3 days 100mcg for 2 days
60mg Anavar, Half dosage in the Morning, Half Dosage in the Evening ED

Week 8
500mg Testex Test C from Medistar 2 injections Wednesday Morning / Saturday Night
Prosum T3 125mcg ED
60mg Anavar, Half dosage in the Morning, Half Dosage in the Evening ED

Week 9
500mg Testex Test C from Medistar 2 injections Wednesday Morning / Saturday Night
Ventipulmin (Clen) 1 Pump ED
Prosum T3 125mcg ED
60mg Anavar, Half dosage in the Morning, Half Dosage in the Evening ED

Week 10
500mg Testex Test C from Medistar 2 injections Wednesday Morning / Saturday Night
Prosum T3 125mcg ED
80mg Anavar, Half dosage in the Morning, Half Dosage in the Evening ED

Week 11
500mg Testex Test C from Medistar 2 injections Wednesday Morning / Saturday Night
Ventipulmin (Clen) 1 Pump ED
Prosum T3 Start taper off 100mcg 3 days 75mcg 3 days 50mcg 2 days
80mg Anavar, Half dosage in the Morning, Half Dosage in the Evening ED

Week 12
500mg Testex Test C from Medistar 2 injections Wednesday Morning / Saturday Night
Prosum T3 50mcg 1 day 25mcg 6 days
80mg Anavar, Half dosage in the Morning, Half Dosage in the Evening ED

500IUs Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) for 10 days
4 days off
Nolva 40mg for 14 days and then 20mg for 14-28 more days

I plan to keep this updated so that I have some sort of record of it. Opinions and thoughts are gladly welcomed. I'm sort of expecting a little flaming for being either too young or not low enough BF/being fit enough to start AAS; I mean you can say it if you like, won't change my cycle.
So I am one week in, not really feeling anything obvious.

On Tuesday evening I did uphill/stairclimb machine for 5 miles with AMRAP push ups every .5miles which I'm pretty sure is the most rigorous activity I've ever done in my life. Even after that I still felt 100% and was able to do some good lifting before calling it a night.

Today I was able to do a few more reps than normal, so I suppose it is in the onset?

But no libido change whatsoever.

I'll post back in a week, thanks for reading to those that to. Look forward to any thoughts or opinions.