my first cycle help please


I am banned!
hey guys curretly 27 5'8 175 fairly lean want to start my first cycle. id much prefer oral cycle only but if not il go with test e 500mg. i already have clomid, arimidex. am i good?
Use test only at 500mg. Run adex throughout, and hcg for like the last 5 weeks. Clomid and nolva for pct and you'll make great gains. Make sure your diet is great. If unsure contact that 3J guy he's good. Don't do oral only ever.
Let's see your whole cycle. Lay out the details. Include the blood work you will be running and when.

i dont have blood work im normal. 8 week test e cycle with adex 0.5mg. currently eating 3500 calss so gona bump it to 4500 with cycle. and then clomid and nolva pct 2 weeks after last inject. im not sure about hcg
But what blood work will you be running?

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