My first cycle...Need Advice with running Deca and Anavar


New member
So I am doing my first cycle. It was recommended to me by a guy I met at the gym who use to competition and is well experienced. I just would like to get other opinions on this. First of my stats- Weight:160 Height:5"8 Body fat: around 13-14%. Ive been training for about a year and 3 months now and man my gains are amazing! I believe my genetics are freaken amazing. I've gained a lot of muscle faster than most of my friends who have been training for years! I'm taking this cycle to hopefully boost me up in lean mass and lower body fat percentage to about 8% with strict diet. Also with the goal to keep most of my gains and strength as much as possible. Here's the cycle I would be running.

Deca 300mg weekly for 10 weeks
Anavar 30mg daily for 10 weeks

I was advised to maybe do deca for 2 weeks then start Anavar.

So any thoughts? should I run anything else with this. Do I need a pct which I'm sure i do but this guy said it wouldn't affect my test levels.
Hmmm....thoughts. Honestly I'll keep them to myself for now, I have a few questions.

First let us recap:

You've been training 15 months and want to cycle

Your planned cycle doesn't have any testosterone

You are planning to use a 19-nor for your first cycle

You want to run an oral for two and a half months straight on your first cycle


What is your training program like?

What are your big lifts, approximately?

Do you feel that you've approached some kind of plateau?

What is the strict diet you are planning to follow on this cycle?

How will you deal with the absence of testosterone while you are shut down during this cycle?

Will you be using a dopamine agonist?

Do you have any experience with recomps? (lower body fat / gain muscle simultaneously)
I am guessing your young from the way you write, possibly not old enough, and not been training long enough, also deca is never used in a first cycle and never used alone, a first cycle would be test e 500mg pw (1-10) to (1-14) weeks, the anavar could possibly be used towards the end of the cycle the last 4 weeks
I train 5 to 6 days a week. Two leg days, two arm days, chest and tris, back and bis, shoulders and traps. Try to workout calves every other day.

I bench 245, Squat 235, shoulder press 65 lb dumbells

I have felt like my gains are slowly progressing now and no matter how hard i train my calves they don't grow nearly as fast as my upper body.

Once I feel low on testosterone, I was thinking to go see a doctor to get tested and get a prescription of test.

I am not too educated with what dopamine agonist is? Is that some type of pct or AI

Yes my diet usually is on point, I usually eat slightly more calories than my maintaining calories to have a nice lean bulk but adding cardio to burn the fat.
Sorry, I'm at work and its really hot! so I'm a little out of it. I really appreciate the advice though. We all started somewhere with no knowledge and I'm just trying to build up my knowledge in this subject. So say if I add test to the cycle i said I would be using how should I go about that? Also I'm 20 years old.
First off ....At 19 you don't need to be running AAS because you are only just beginning to reach your natural potential. If you have good genetics as you say than you have several more years to make quality muscle without AAS. Secondly....Not sure who your friend at the gym is but he's a jerk-off/Moron giving you that kind of cycle the first time. It should be low dose Testosterone to see how you handle it and if there are any sides you know exactly what's causing it. Make sure you understand how to run your AI and your Pct. before getting started. Now if you decide to do it anyway... Test E or C at 250mgs wk would be good start with either nolvadex or Arimidex (prefered) and Pct following (read up on it). Not knocking you.. just be aware you have a lot of natural gains that you haven't even tapped into.
Thanks flynman I definitely will seriously think about your advice and hold on doing my cycle for a while and pursue my natural potential.
First you haven't been training long enough.
I hear your 19? well too young and why is because your body hasn't matured yet. As a rule of thumb you don't mess with ASS until age 25. There are many reason for this so you don't F*ck up you endocrine system.
By your proposed cycle you clearly don't know much about AAS and need to read , listen and learn all you can. Your estrogen, and prolactin levels what it means and all about the endocrine. Also what exactly happens when you induce steroids in your body, what sides, what sides with high and low E2 and on and on and on.

On another thought if you think your genetics are amazing, all the more reason to train to your max genetic natural potential and at your age and only training for 15 months you have no base yet.

Back to the diet and gym for you. Don't fvck up your life now.

Reality w/ your pic of first year. You lost your baby fat and harden up your muscles. Sorry but most kids with your baby fat and tissue would mature the same if they worked at it like you obviously have. You look good keep it up and stay away from AAS for your own good.
Last edited: need to do a lot of research. If your guy at the gym recommended that then he doesn't know anywhere near as much as you give him credit for. Don't-DO NOT-do that cycle. Wow. Tell him he should sign up so he stops fucking himself up as well. Read all the stickies. Not trying to be rude. This cycle is just preposterous.
Okay, thank you all for your knowledge and advice! I'm glad I had the sense to create an account and ask about this before I went and fucked myself over. I really appreciate the feedback and will wait a while till I cycle. I just really hope my calves can catch up to my upper body lol Anyway thanks for saving me from doing something stupid! Respect thanks all!
Glad to see your taking the advice to heart, your guy at the gym has a lot to learn if that's the advice hrs giving out. Stay natty for awile and build more of a base, you're off to a great start. In the meantime stick around here and educate yourself so when the time comes you'll have all your ducks in a row and can hit the ground running. Believe me, knowing what the f**k your doing is going to give you a huge edge over most of the guys in the gym!
Research in the meantime and start planning your first cycle in about 5 years. Keep your diet and training in check. You have plenty of growing to do naturally, good luck to you.
Thoughts? Your too young. Decca and oral for first cycle? No test? I could go on...keep natty for a few more years since it looks like your building a good base, and during that time you need to research research research...good luck!
Looking at that Picture you have made Great natural gains. You obviously have been training hard. Don't worry about your calves, they take a long time to build quality size. Work them hard at least 2 times a week and they will come around. Remember building quality life long muscle is a Marathon not a Sprint race. Keeping doing what you are doing you look Great for the amount of time you have been training.