my first cycle need help


New member
Yo this is my first post and first cycle as well...just ordered sust 350, dbol 20's, deca 300 and win inj. Would love opinions on this stack vs. breaking it up and how. I'm 35 in shape ready for that next level. I pinned a couple times 15 years ago but didn't know any better...
moved your post to your own thread. please dont post like this on other members log threads. and where did you get this idea for a first cycle?
Thanks man, like I said I'm a newbie. To answer your question I made it up once I chose where to shop. It sounded like a solid good idea but sounds like I'm wrong. I've tried a similar stack combo from a "legal anabolic" pill site which that stuff didn't do what I wanted so now I'm here. I didn't know what test to go with hence the sust. Now I'm moving forward with what I have and need to create a solid plan so again asking for advice. Thanks for helping
If you haven't cycled in 15 years, I would just advise you to just use the sust by itself for this cycle. Try .50 cc EOD(525wk) or you could try .75 E3D(525wk). I have never been a big fan of multi ester blends. If there is a benefit, it would be that the prop/acetate(depending on the brand) start kicking in faster. The downside it that its such a low dose of that ester that it really doesn't have enough to give much benefit. I know that some have a different take on it but for me, if I'm going to pin EOD, I'm just going to use prop and be done. The longer esters just prolong wait time for PCT.

Anyway, you have a big variety of different compounds listed. Save those for another cycle IMO
I need more to finish a 10 wk cycle @ 500/wk and wondered what I should order next if not sust.
I could take 350/wk for 10 wks with what I have.
Man you are all over the place. Finish the cycle with what you started with.

PS: ya know everyone makes this out to be rocket science. Simple Simon says keep it simple ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ as said.
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I need more to finish a 10 wk cycle @ 500/wk and wondered what I should order next if not sust.
I could take 350/wk for 10 wks with what I have.

OK. If it was me, I would order enough test to do the cycle right. Don't change esters, just stick with the sust. It sounds like you would need one more vial of the sust 350. With that said, if you don't want to order more test, you could run an 8 week cycle @ 425mg/wk(1.25ml). Sust has so many different esters that your test will still be active for 2 weeks after your last shot.

Now for the tough love:

Don't play around with this stuff. Do some research before you start buying all kinds of compounds. I know that you haven't done enough research because you bought all types of AAS that really don't even go together on a well thought out cycle. Now, I have to give you props because you didn't actually start and you came here to do more research before really messing things up. Hang around here and do exactly what you are doing by asking questions. Also, read some of the stickies here. There is alot of good information that will make this cycle work alot better for you. You will be thankful in the end, I promise.

Good Luck bro
Yo this is my first post and first cycle as well...just ordered sust 350, dbol 20's, deca 300 and win inj. Would love opinions on this stack vs. breaking it up and how. I'm 35 in shape ready for that next level. I pinned a couple times 15 years ago but didn't know any better...

Give us some stats so we can better help you.

So far brother imo you are entirely unprepared for a cycle.
Sust 350/wk @10 wks
Aromison 12.5 eod
Clomid and nov 3-4 wks pct
Doc appt next week for bloods (1st)

Thanks for the love guys I just wanna get started. I've read and heard from many places test, dbol, and deca is a great stack. I'm now learning since I came here the test only bit. So I'm going to listen until I get your guys Approval Before I start. Funny thing is I bought winny too thinking I would take that after dbol.

I just want to pack on size hence the stack and the win to cut after. So here's a new starting point and I need feedback please.
Curious, when do you take winny and test since my perception is scewed
Its funny that you mention Sostanon 250 + Deca + Dianabol

That is a really old fashioned cycle that has been around for many years. But that is intermediate level.

From what I read here the recommendation is to start just on Testosterone Enathate for a simple 12 week cycle 250mg injected 2 times per week. Monday and Thursday

If you dont mind spending the money maybe you should save the Sostenon for a future cycle and just get Testosterone - Enanthate.
Also I dont think you should try to bulk and also cut on the same cycle. You cant ride 2 horses at the same time.

Better just to focus on bulking this first time and increasing your mass and strength. ANd save the winny for a future cycle when cutting will be your focus.

Also with the Aromasin it is hard to say what doseage you will need because different people react differently and some are more sensitive to estrogen that others. But most people take it Every day because of the short half life. It is not like Arimidex that gets taken every other day.

There is alot to read for a newbie. Just reading about "Choosing Arimidex versus Aromasin or vice versa" I have read over 5 hours of material on this. And for my cycle I decided to buy both and we shall see which one my body prefers. I also have Clomid, HCG, Nolvadex. I have them on hand just in case. They dont cost that much extra and you never know what you are going to need, its not like we can run over to CVS to get it so best is to have ALL OF IT on hand before you make the first pin.

And make sure to get a blood test before you begin and check your levels. Read the FAQ sticky about that. I ordered my test last week and was suprised to find my liver AST and Bilirubin are high even before my cycle has begun. Imagine that! Now if I had just started a cycle with Dianabol I would have started freaking out and blamed the D-bol and would have thought my liver was in deep trouble. So it is so important to start with a baseline and see what your natural levels are before any gear.

Factor in 3 blood tests (About $55 each) and that is part of the cost of your cycle. Be prepared and play it safe and this way you wont have to deal with lumps under your breast and other crazy stuff....its easier to prevent that stuff from happening than it is to treat it after it gets out of control. Its easier to put out a camp fire than a forest fire.

I have read over 20 hours worth of stuff online so far and I still do not know enough to begin my first cycle. Really the best advice for you is dont buy ANYTHING else until you dedicate yourself to sit down and spend another 10 hour of research. This will save you money and prevent alot of mistakes.
Starting my cycle today but can't decide between 350 or 500/ week with sustanon. Also should I pin 2 or 3 times a week? What do you think?
I started my cycle as follows-
20 mg dbol in the am
20 mg dbol in the pm before lift
.75 ml sustanon 350/ going twice a week
Is there a recommended time on dbol dosage?
Why did you come here. You haven't listened to a thing anyone has said to you. This is a terrible waist of a first cycle. So are you planning on running an AI ?

You getting BW so you have a base line ? Just by your Q's but mostly statements from you it is obvious you aren't educated in the use of AAS.

Start catching up and read all the sticky post where you came in. They are labeled Sticky

What are your stats...

Read the steroid profiles
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Why did you come here. You haven't listened to a thing anyone has said to you. This is a terrible waist of a first cycle. So are you planning on running an AI ?

You getting BW so you have a base line ? Just by your Q's but mostly statements from you it is obvious you aren't educated in the use of AAS.

Start catching up and read all the sticky post where you came in. They are labeled Sticky

What are your stats...

Read the steroid profiles

took the words right out of my hands.
I've read the stickys and ask questions but I already have what I have so I'm trying to make fries outta these potatoes. Next cycle I'll be fully prepared. Moving forward I'm thankful for help.
Blood work is normal but have to see an endocrinologist in 3 weeks to get ALL labs done. If I can't get ai's from doc then I need to order some.
I started yesterday
Dbol 40 mg and sustanon 2x/week @525mg(per week)
Total cycle will only be 6 weeks 4 for dbol.
Please reply if u have thoughts on this constructive thoughts please
Ps who has actually ran this and has a horror story for a first cycle?
I've read the stickys and ask questions but I already have what I have so I'm trying to make fries outta these potatoes. Next cycle I'll be fully prepared. Moving forward I'm thankful for help.
Blood work is normal but have to see an endocrinologist in 3 weeks to get ALL labs done. If I can't get ai's from doc then I need to order some.
I started yesterday
Dbol 40 mg and sustanon 2x/week @525mg(per week)
Total cycle will only be 6 weeks 4 for dbol.
Please reply if u have thoughts on this constructive thoughts please
Ps who has actually ran this and has a horror story for a first cycle?

You will not be "fully prepared" for the next cycle.
A main reason to run test only for the first cycle is to gauge how much you aromatize testosterone, and thus how much ai you need.
You are running two compounds which aromatize and one that does so egregiously.

I know I don't need any ai at 200mg/wk.
.25 of Adex 2x/wk @500mg/wk
.25 Adex 3x/wk @750mg

You won't know. You will guess. Better not to guess at things that can have a profound impact on your health.