New member
You will not be "fully prepared" for the next cycle.
A main reason to run test only for the first cycle is to gauge how much you aromatize testosterone, and thus how much ai you need.
You are running two compounds which aromatize and one that does so egregiously.
I know I don't need any ai at 200mg/wk.
.25 of Adex 2x/wk @500mg/wk
.25 Adex 3x/wk @750mg
You won't know. You will guess. Better not to guess at things that can have a profound impact on your health.
while i agree on general terms by following this exact logic wouldent be wiser to start at only 250 max test per week ( eventually adding another non aromitizing, very low sides in general, compound, like var for example ) like i did, instead of beginning directly with 500 test, wich i myself consider pretty high, as a dose fo a single drug, especially one that has the option to aromitize like test?
sincere question