My First cycle pics...


fininshed first 10 week cycle Test e@500mg last week start pct monday week....Here are my pics.....
fininshed first 10 week cycle Test e@500mg last week start pct monday week....Here are my pics.....

What are your stats bro?

I suggest you do what im doing, diet down till abs are showing and fat is gone from pecs then bulk up again properly.

Also the rule is if your going to juice you need to SHAVE damn it:)

Diet down 20 pounds and shave your fuzz and you will be killer bro.

Looking thick right now, but very soft.

Also your back is HUGE bro:bigok:
What are your stats bro?

I suggest you do what im doing, diet down till abs are showing and fat is gone from pecs then bulk up again properly.

Also the rule is if your going to juice you need to SHAVE damn it:)

Diet down 20 pounds and shave your fuzz and you will be killer bro.

Looking thick right now, but very soft.

Also your back is HUGE bro:bigok:

i agree, thats what i did. i went from 218 to 189 to 195 present.
also work, on your tris, back and shoulders a bit more. you have a huge chest and traps so you need to add a little size to your shoulder. your bicepts seem to "out shine" your tricepts. i am doing the same thing right now, playing catch you have any before pics?

and dont think i am critisizing you, just helping. i wish i had someone that just said hey you have to bring up.....a little more.
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Thanks for the advice guys....I'm looking to cut weight and bring up my delt's and tri's they've always lagged current stats are 6'1 , weight's 116kg, current bodyfat % unknwn......started cycle at roughly 108kg and 17% bodyfat according to those electronic handheld estimator's.
Thanx bro.... started my new routine and ramped up the cardio just gunna have to watch those carbs now and shud be right
Thanx bro.... started my new routine and ramped up the cardio just gunna have to watch those carbs now and shud be right

Well PWO you still need your carbs/calories/protein to build muscle.

Cardio 5 days a week for 45 minutes and you will be golden bro. Just give it a month before you step on the scale.