My first cycle summary (Test E and Anavar)


New member
My cycle was Test E 500mg per week for 12 weeks with Anavar 30mg every day weeks 6-11. I had an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on hand incase of sides but none came up.

Starting Stats

Weight: 210.4 Max Bench-press: 255 (COuldnt due heavy squats or deads due to slipped disc)

Finishing Stats

Weight 252.2 Max Bench-press 365

The anavar helped cut alot of water and my first week on it my weight actually went down, this helped with water retention and strength so i recommend it

I have clomid and nolva for my post cycle therapy (pct) which im starting in 3 weeks. Was gonna use both but I think i might just go with one or the other What do y'all think?.

My girl is taking my after pics on Wednesday so I might post them when i get them (unless they suck too bad haha)
Lets get those pics up bud! Would like to see. Im running a similar cycle. Test Prop/Var for 8 weeks...with 4 week pct nolva+clomid. How was the ride? How ya feeling now? Keep us posted on how much you asctually maintain after a month or two off...
Did you feel that Anavar did anything to help with your joints and tendons? I was considering adding it to my next cycle both as a way to front load and help with my joints which seem to be my weak point.