My First Cycle (Test E/Tbol)?

i agree with the guys.. drop the tbol.. if something goes wrong what are you going to blame, the test or the oral?? thats why we only add one new compound to every cycle

Yeah I figured why not just save it for my next cutting cycle I do which will be end of February or March cause 3 months on plus pct means 4 months off minimum if I do decide to do it by then. Plus I figured since everybody loves your diet/nutrition plans I'll have to purchase one for that cycle!
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i agree with the guys.. drop the tbol.. if something goes wrong what are you going to blame, the test or the oral?? thats why we only add one new compound to every cycle

4th Inject today 10:30PM, when i first went in with the needle in my left quad it started a small little muscle spasm so i figured i nipped a nerve so i pulled the needle out and rewiped my spot with alcohol and pinned a little more to the left and it went perfectly! No PIP whatsoever which is the first shot where there was no PIP so im happy. Also took my ADEX right before i pinned. I think i might buy Liquid Aromasin midway through the cycle before the adex runs out and try that. The ADEX works perfectly imo and im taking .5mg ED i just feel like the only problem is my nipples are puffy. Should i stay on the ADEX throughout the cycle or should i try Aromasin at about week 6 or 7 once the ADEX runs out? Also i weighed myself today and im up from 170lbs before first pin to 175-176 on my 4th pin. This upcoming monday will be the start of my 3rd week. Also i checked my bodyfat with my new caliper and im reading at around 14.0-14.3% bf which is almost a 1% decrease since i started so idk ive been eating like crazy or maybe the new caliper is more accurate than the Electronic readers which i was using before today?
Quick update! 5th inject on Monday night went fine slight PIP but nothing out of ordinary. Trained Chest and Tris that tuesday and felt absolutely great! Wednesday i trained Legs and today is my off day. My 6th inject will be tonight aka Thursday October 2nd. My current weigh in this morning was 178lbs and im only in the middle of week 3! I did my body fat caliper test and it read 13.8% the first time and 14.2% the second. My starting weight was around 169-170 at 15.3% bodyfat. So im up around 8-9 lbs which is wierd to me considering i thought it takes around week 5-6 to see any noticeable weight gain. Sorry i havent posted pictures i will soon. I have pictures before cycle and ill take some on the start of week 6 and the end of week 12 and 2 weeks post PCT.

Edit: FYI im using an old school body fat caliper not an electronic one, measuring skin fold on the right chest, right abdomen, and right quad.
i agree with the guys.. drop the tbol.. if something goes wrong what are you going to blame, the test or the oral?? thats why we only add one new compound to every cycle

October 5th update, tomorrow will be the start of the 4th week. Starting Weight:170 15.1% BF, Current Weight: 180lbs 13.3%BF. I don't know if it sounds too good to be true but I'm already almost down 2% bodyfat and I'm eating like crazy. I normally tend to put fat on quickly but since I've started I haven't noticed any fat gain and I feel bigger and leaner. I'm using my skin fold caliper and measuring my Right Abdomen, Right Quad, and Right Chest skin fold. Also, I'm using adex .5mg Ed and my right nip is still slightly sensitive and puffy but I haven't noticed anything negative. Should I stick with this dose? I know the rui dex works cause in the first few days of starting my libido shot down and is back up like crazy due to the test. Any input guys? I'm trying to gain the most knowledge from this log and help any others out in the mean time.
October 5th update, tomorrow will be the start of the 4th week. Starting Weight:170 15.1% BF, Current Weight: 180lbs 13.3%BF. I don't know if it sounds too good to be true but I'm already almost down 2% bodyfat and I'm eating like crazy. I normally tend to put fat on quickly but since I've started I haven't noticed any fat gain and I feel bigger and leaner. I'm using my skin fold caliper and measuring my Right Abdomen, Right Quad, and Right Chest skin fold. Also, I'm using adex .5mg Ed and my right nip is still slightly sensitive and puffy but I haven't noticed anything negative. Should I stick with this dose? I know the rui dex works cause in the first few days of starting my libido shot down and is back up like crazy due to the test. Any input guys? I'm trying to gain the most knowledge from this log and help any others out in the mean time.

Sounds too good to be true.

Get blood work before adjusting AI dosage.
We'll as I said, I used the electronic body fat caliper that you grip with both hands at around the beginning of week one. Since then I've been using the skin fold caliper so maybe it wasn't 15% that the electronic scanner was telling me it was?
Last pin was yesterday (Friday the 14th). Gained almost 25 lbs in 10 weeks my bodyfat stayed relatively the same around the 15% mark. My balls shrunk a tiny bit but they still hang low so idk. I feel great and in 13 more days I'll start pct until then in running .5mg adex ed. My pct is as follows

Clomid 50/50/50/50
Nolva 40/40/20/20
DAA 3-5grams ed
JYM Multivitamin
NOW L-Dopa 240mg / Mucuna Pruriens 1600mg for mood etc
Fish Oil/CLA
NOW Prostate Support
Tribulus 1g for shits and giggles
50-100grams of whey ed
Last pin was yesterday (Friday the 14th). Gained almost 25 lbs in 10 weeks my bodyfat stayed relatively the same around the 15% mark. My balls shrunk a tiny bit but they still hang low so idk. I feel great and in 13 more days I'll start pct until then in running .5mg adex ed. My pct is as follows

Clomid 50/50/50/50
Nolva 40/40/20/20
DAA 3-5grams ed
JYM Multivitamin
NOW L-Dopa 240mg / Mucuna Pruriens 1600mg for mood etc
Fish Oil/CLA
NOW Prostate Support
Tribulus 1g for shits and giggles
50-100grams of whey ed

Where is the hCG?
Where is the hCG?

Eh due to the shortage in my wallet and the fact that I wouldn't be able to keep it refrigerated at my home with family around I decided not to use it. I know it was a stupid part on my end and my pct won't be as smooth without it, I can guarantee next cycle I will definitely run it 500 iu a week split to two doses. I feel stupid for not using it but it's my mistake and I have to take full responsibility whether I like it or not lol.
Eh due to the shortage in my wallet and the fact that I wouldn't be able to keep it refrigerated at my home with family around I decided not to use it. I know it was a stupid part on my end and my pct won't be as smooth without it, I can guarantee next cycle I will definitely run it 500 iu a week split to two doses. I feel stupid for not using it but it's my mistake and I have to take full responsibility whether I like it or not lol.

How old are you?
Little update, 9 days after last inject. Libido is still fine to be honest, definitely not like it was on cycle but it's good. Going to start pct in a couple days.
Little update, 10 days after last inject haven't lost a pound. Still sitting at 195. Also, is it normal to still have a decent libido at this point and still waking up with a stiffy? Definitely notice my soreness last longer and is more noticeable than when I was on.