My first cycle test E....Test C


New member
For my first cycle I was going to use Test E but now I accidentally picked up Testosterone Cypionate is it basically the same thing or are there major differences? I plan to cycle for 10-12 weeks using twice a week for a total of 500 mg a week. I am 6'1 200 pounds already have everything planned out I just need to know if it is the same
My PCT ill prolly use Clomid or Nolvadex prolly 2-3 weeks after my last shot... I want to keep my strength just enough to get me through my season of football... I ordered my Aromatase inhibitor (AI) last Thursday which I don't really see any consequences in starting it a little later than my first shot. I am open to all suggestions I just need that extra power for football
My PCT ill prolly use Clomid or Nolvadex prolly 2-3 weeks after my last shot... I want to keep my strength just enough to get me through my season of football... I ordered my Aromatase inhibitor (AI) last Thursday which I don't really see any consequences in starting it a little later than my first shot. I am open to all suggestions I just need that extra power for football

Probably use? I would have had that info figured out before hand. Not to mentioned anything can happen with your supplier and cause you not to get your Aromatase inhibitor (AI). I always have everything I need on hand before
Probably use? I would have had that info figured out before hand. Not to mentioned anything can happen with your supplier and cause you not to get your Aromatase inhibitor (AI). I always have everything I need on hand before

biggies on point have everything before u start
Here is how your cycle should look;

Test C/500mgs/wk

Clomid 40/40/40/40
Nolvadex 40/40/20/20

Arimidex .25mgs EOD

this is EXACTLY what my cycle would look like!

If i were you i would throw in Dbol 40mgs/ED
Here is how your cycle should look;

Test C/500mgs/wk

Clomid 40/40/40/40
Nolvadex 40/40/20/20

Arimidex .25mgs EOD

this is EXACTLY what my cycle would look like!

If i were you i would throw in Dbol 40mgs/ED

But stacking on my first cycle would be pointless right?