My first cycle (Test Prop and D-bol) log, with pictures.


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My first cycle (Test Prop and D) log, with pictures.

Alright guys, I have decided to start a log with pictures to showcase my progress throughout this cycle. Yes I know my chest is lacking, that is definitely a point I am addressing on this cycle. Feedback is appreciated. I'll be updating every 2-3 weeks with new pics, but I'll be recording a journal through posts every few days or so.


Here are the stats:
Age: 21
Weight: 175
Height: 5' 9"
Lifting experience: 5 years (2 years of smart lifting), diet could use more protein.
Previous cycle history: None
Goal: To bulk up and add more mass, then cut and get shredded.


(1) Testosterone Propianate @ 150 mg's e/o/d for 12 weeks.
(2) Aromasin @ 25 mg's e/d.
(3) Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) blast @ 500 iu e/d for the last 10 days till the last pin
[/B](4) D-bol @ 25mg's e/d for weeks 3-6 (Started taking it on 8/23) (Stopped taking it on 9/14)

Post Cycle Treatment:
(1) Nolvadex 4-6 days after my last pin @ 40/40/20/20 e/d for 4 weeks.
(2) Clomid 4-6 days after my last pin @ 50/50/50/50 e/d for 4 weeks.
(3) Gonna take aromasin into PCT.

Powered by Pinnacle Labs

(1) Whey Protein
(2) Fish Oil
(3) Creatine (Stopped taking on 8/25, will start after d-bol bloat is minimized)
(4) Multi-vitamin
(5) Milk Thistle (Started taking it on 8/25)


Start Date: 8/8/2012

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Update 1: I began on 8/8/2012. I didn't work out that day decided to take a day off and start fresh the next day. I pinned in the right quad and had no pain for about 6-7 hours until I got ready for bed. It progressively started to get more painful and was at its peak at about 4-5 in the morning. It wasn't too bad. Its been almost 26 hours and the pain is still there. It's manageable and really isn't that bad. I worked out today 8/9/2012 and it felt great. I'm sure its the placebo, but I was getting reps in that I for sure would've failed on the week before. I don't care if it's placebo or not, but it's working, and that's all that matters. I can't wait for this shit to kick in the next few days. So far no libido increase.

And fuck yeah 100th post!! :):)
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Nice bro, looking forward to your updates and hopefully gonna start soon too! Work it hard bro and keep us updated.
You're gonna be a pin cushion by the end of this cycle but at least you'll be ready to run a tren A cycle when the time comes. Good Luck Bro!
I've found that Alieve really helps with my PIP. Never found much use for that type stuff before.
Nice bro I'll b along with ya. U look bigger than 175 from the pic... Do u have no legs or what? If not I would def concentrate on that. Good luck and heavy lifting!!
Update 2: Holy shit, its been 3 days, and I'm already up to 179.5 lbs. That's an increase of 4.5 pounds in 3 days! I'm sure a bunch of it is from the excessive food and creatine that I started taking, but damn its nice to see some progress in 3 days haha. Plus, strength is great in the gym. I'm getting in extra reps which feels good. I can't wait to see how much stronger I'll be next week when I repeat the routines.

I haven't used the D-bol yet either, I'll start that week 5-8.
That's exciting man! Prob water weight but makes you feel good nonetheless! Keep it up bro
Update 3: Today, 8/13/2012, I just noticed that my right nipple is painful when you touch it. I'm immediately upping the aromasin dosage to 25 mg's e/d, i don't want to grow bigger titties :nono:.

On the bright side, at least we now know that the gear is legit ha.
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Update 4: Upping the dosage of aromasin to 25 mg's everyday is definetely working. My nipple isn't sore anymore, and its pretty much back to normal. I guess I'm just very susceptible to aromatizing at a higher rate than most other guys. Anways, just ordered 3 more vials of prop, 2 bottles of aromasin, and a bottle of HCG. I'm gonna start blasting the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) when I get it at 250 iu, twice a week when I get it. The cycle looks like its gonna be lasting about 12.5 weeks on prop. PIP is becoming very manageable now. I pinned my right quad for the second time through a few days ago, and the pain is very tolerable. I guess it was tough the first time through, since they were "virgin" muscles. Anyways, strength is feeling great. I've noticed a slight libido increase and I've gained about 6 pounds so far. A thing to note is that I feel pretty tired on days I pin the prop. I took my first nap pretty much of my life yesterday. I don't ever take naps, and yesterday I was just so tired that I pretty much slept from 4-7. It's weird, but as long as I'm making gains, its all whatever.
Update 5: I'm sitting at 184 pounds now. I'm up exactly 9 pounds since I started the cycle exactly 9 days ago. It seems like I'm gaining a pound a day haha. I can definitely feel the prop working now. I get mad so easy; the smallest things just set me off :mad:. I wonder how I'll react to tren in the future, haha. I'll post some new progress pics in about 2 weeks, once I feel there is something to show.
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Update 6: I'm definitely starting to get some acne. Mostly on my back, and I am breaking out a bit on my face, nothing too much though. I think I found my favorite spots to inject now. I love pinning the quads and delts. I can't do glutes for some reason. I think my ass is too thick lol.
Update 6: I'm definitely starting to get some acne. Mostly on my back, and I am breaking out a bit on my face, nothing too much though. I think I found my favorite spots to inject now. I love pinning the quads and delts. I can't do glutes for some reason. I think my ass is too thick lol.

LOL Guess I'll find out eventually what works for me... damn Post office needs to get their act together!

Take more showers and keep your skin dry and clean, should help with the acne. You definitely don't want it to get outta control! Keep an eye on it bro.
A pounnd a day?? Really? LOL if that held true through all 12 weeks, could you imagine?! I think short esters make you more anger prone (IMO of course)... I'm going to have to watch that too, or I'll rip some heads off!
Update 7: I feel less and less cut every morning I wake up. I'm bloating up, I can just feel it. I hate the fact that I'm losing what ever cutness I had, but I'll just ride it out and cut a few weeks after my PCT with clen, and get shredded.
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