My first cycle (Test Prop and D-bol) log, with pictures.

Update 14: I did forget to mention that a few days ago I noticed my blood pressure was abnormally high, I was getting headaches. It was weird. This started happening when I began the d-bol. I've been taking 81 mg's of aspirin e/d since, and I feel better. No more headaches, I'm gonna go check my blood pressure tomorrow and see if it's back to normal, otherwise I'm gonna start taking some herbal medicines to get this shit back to normal.
Update 15: The bloat I am getting on dbol is insane. My stomach has literally doubled in size, I literally look like im prego. I've considered dropping the dbol if the bloat doesn't go away, but I'll stick with it for at least 3 weeks. None of my clothes fit me anymore. My parents told me I need to start losing weight, which I guess is a sign that I'm making progress ha! I'm sitting at around 190 pounds now (Up 15 pounds since the beginning). The weight gain has slowly stopped since the initial week and now is slowly creeping up.
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Lmao yolked! sorry for laughing but that is kinda comical! So you've blown up in size and they haven't questioned it yet? I'd let the dbol run bro, just tell your parents you'll up the cardio at school.
Plus with the volume of your food intake, your stomach is going to be bigger. How's the gyno? I can't remember what your Aromatase inhibitor (AI) is at now, but upping that a little might help with the bloat somewhat.
Lmao yolked! sorry for laughing but that is kinda comical! So you've blown up in size and they haven't questioned it yet? I'd let the dbol run bro, just tell your parents you'll up the cardio at school.
Plus with the volume of your food intake, your stomach is going to be bigger. How's the gyno? I can't remember what your Aromatase inhibitor (AI) is at now, but upping that a little might help with the bloat somewhat.

Haha, when my dad said that to me I couldn't help but laugh a little. I'm already taking 25 mg's of aromasin e/d. I take it in the morning. I going to switch and start taking it at night starting tomorrow though. I read somewhere that it helps supress estrogen more since estrogen levels are highest at night. The gyno is fine. It's the same as it was before the cycle, still lingering around lol. But, it hasn't gotten bigger thank god ha.
Update 16: Well I'm just finishing up week 4 today, and I'm up about 15-16 pounds so far. I started dbol exactly 2 weeks ago @ 25 mg's e/d. I'm thinking about upping the dosage to 50 mg's for the next 2 weeks tomorrow. My strength has continuously gotten stronger every lifting session. My bench has gone up nearly 35 pounds so far and my chest is finally filling in nicely it feels good :) I'm sure the strength will sky rocket on week 2+ of the dbol. On another note, I feel that I'm getting bloat in my quads cuz they are HUGE now! Is that even possible to get bloat there? Every time I walk or run, my left thigh grinds against my right thigh, its so annoying it makes me feel fat lol.
Update 17: The diet has been lacking the last 3 days, I haven't been able to make it to the gym either. I'm getting back today tho. I think acne has finally started to level out as well. I don't really notice any new zits forming anymore.
Update 18: Today, one of my buddies at the gym told me my arms were looking way bigger than before. The last time I saw him was before the cycle, so people are definitely taking notice. I had an incredible 10 pound increase on skull crunchers today as well. I was doing 90's last week, and I just felt that the 90's were too easy today, so I upped to 100 pounds and did it with ease. I love these strength gains. New progress pics coming this weekend.
It's the last week of the dbol dose now. I'm going to up it to 50 mg's e/d from 25 mg's just to experience what it's like. Will keep you guys posted.
Lol weren't you all excited about 80# skull crushers not a week or two ago?? That's awesome man! I just bumped to 80 yesterday and it feels awesome!
How many dbol pills will that leave you extra? I'd say go longer up to 5 weeks at 50mg if your body can take it. Might as well get the full ride! Looking forward to these pics, sounds like you're beasting out big time!
Yeah man, I'll look into seeing if I can handle an extra week of the dbol. I'm gonna keep my diet as clean as I can for the next 2 weeks or so and minimize my salt intake. I'm guessing I'll still have about 25 pills left if I stop at the end of 4 weeks.