My first experience. MK677


New member
Im 23, (been training since 14)
5'8 155
6-9% BF (I was able to do a hydrostatic weighing in college)
Squat max - 315
Deadlift - around my squat max. I never do 1rep only
Bench - 215

soccer season always kept me skinny AF in comparison to my bodybuilding and power lifting buddies. I played HS football at a large school in TX and struggled with my size. I was a premature baby and was hovering around 100lbs as a sophmore in HS. My doc wanted to prescribe some sort of hormone therapy but my parents couldnt afford it. I have watched my friends do gear/PHS and I have always been interested in it. Since I no longer play in college or for the summer semi pro leagues I want to give a PED a go. I may play soccer again but for Now I wanna add some muscle mass and up my lifts

I am not against pinning or even PHs but Mk677 was a recommendation from a buddy of mine who is competing

I havnt seen anyone using Mk677 as their first PED. What do yall think about 20mgs before bed for a couple months?
hows the cycle going, and diet?

Sorry for never getting back to this post.

I felt great in the weight room I felt like I held a lot more glycogen expecially if I ate f***t pre workout! I only ran it for a month and the scale went up about 15lbs (eating way above maintance)... I craved sugery foods on mk but for the most part tried to eat lean meat complex carbs f***ts veggies... (didn't track cals) depending on if I played soccer that day. I have never used anything else so I can't compare but holy shit strength gains and recovery time ***128076;.

I didnt look bloated or anything. The look was super lean but I think that's just how I will look because my buddy blew up like a balloon on mk. I ended up stopping after a month because the pumps in my legs when I did run or play were debalitating haha. This was all at 20mgs taken before bed. (Issue with that is waking up a couple hours later raging with hunger).

If I run it again I'll do 10mgs a day!
i always have a large plate of high protein food ready in the microwave when im bulking and eat it at midnight.
I started mk a week ago at 25 mg, I would do 1 pill in the morning, for the first few hours I would feel a nice pep, then legarthic sleepy, now I take it at bedtime, sleep like a bear in winter and wake up with a pep steady through out the day, since I take an aI 3x a week with a clean diet, I noticed more vascularity the pumps are huge on my muscle..
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I've used real mk-677 and it is in my opinion not nearly as good for losing (or NOT-gaining) fat as injectable growth. Short-term muscle growth from growth hormone, whether it be injectable or oral is not what you're looking for. Anabolics are WAY better for that. It's all about long term gains with growth in my opinion. So definitely look into some anabolics to run along side the mk-677 to actually get the potential out.
I've used real mk-677 and it is in my opinion not nearly as good for losing (or NOT-gaining) fat as injectable growth. Short-term muscle growth from growth hormone, whether it be injectable or oral is not what you're looking for. Anabolics are WAY better for that. It's all about long term gains with growth in my opinion. So definitely look into some anabolics to run along side the mk-677 to actually get the potential out.

from your experience how long have you done Mk 677? your right on point about anabolics in a combo with mk.