my first pics.

Your'e at abit to high BF to say all that much, looks like lats could need some more work though.

And get a hair cut bro ;)
Don't cut. Just keep eating. Sorry about cutting someday in the future. Takes food to build muscle.

Lots of not-so-positive comments in this thread, but I'd like to say that you look good in all of your photos and this is obviously something that you are sticking too. You've got the drive.

I would be frustrated as hell if I were a BBer. You need food to grow, but then the low bf% needed for contest....damn.

Glad you didn't forget how to eat. :D
hahaha ill cut it soon... i just like slicking it back and puttin it in a pony tail. thanks along mrank thats a cool thing to say... and i love food... just cooking it is starting to become a hassle. what are your goals?
basing it off my physical ammount of muscle do you guys think that im ready for a test enth cycle? im 20 182 5'6"?
hey thanks alot, glad you decided to join. your gonna find that people around here have more knowledge to give and arent idiots like at the other board.
the 2nd pics look the best look muscular...the last pic looks like you accumulated a lot of fat and you look really may have put on some good size but you wouldn't know it until you lean out....I would go to the doc about the gyno before it gets worse because in the second set of pics if you enlarge the one at the bottom you can see the gyno...but hey it takes a lot of guts to post pictures of yourself for thousands of criticizers to props for that ...and good luck...
ehh ive gained some body fat... but i know when i cut down this time ill be a really cut 170 instead of a really cut 145 so it was very much worth it! and the gyno thing...we'll see how that pans out... doc says after they rule out me having a tumor on my pituitary gland then we'll do the gyno surgery.