My first test e cycle


New member
Hi everyone!

First my stats. Im 180 cm tall, 81 kg, 10.1% bf. I was 8.5% a month dont know how i put on fat since diet was the same.

I am thinking of my first cycle. That would be test e 500 mg a week in 2 injections. However I have several doubdts:

1) I live in australia and test i can get is "jungle juice" brand. I cant find anything on the web about it, but a friend who is selling it claims that his friend put on 7 kg that he kept on the same cycle and same brend. Whats your opinion?
2) Ican get genox (apparently australian version of nolva) and clomid. Therefore i dont have any Aromatase inhibitor (AI). I was thinking of taking a certain dose of genox (nolva) during the cycle (no AI) just as a precausion for gyno and post cycle therapy (pct) would be clomid. Do you think it would be ok?

Very impatient and excited. Please help.
i would prefer you get aromasin which is my fav Aromatase inhibitor (AI), nolva will block eastrogen not kill it and you realy want a suicidal Aromatase inhibitor (AI) to deal with your issues on cycle.
Id try to get adex or aromasin but failing that have a look into Forma-stanzol it is a topical formestane cream which is a suicidal Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and can be bought otc at the moment its an awesome product and is a very good Aromatase inhibitor (AI), have a look into this i run it all the time and its a very effective product. Formestane is very similar to aromasin (exemestane) not identical but very effective still and is a suicidal Aromatase inhibitor (AI) so will be perfect for your on cycle usage buddy.
you can get it from Mr Supps buddy and its not expensive, theres a 20% off everything sale this thursday so maybe grab it then.
Use code needto10 for 10% off if your in a hurry.
What are the prices-test e, ai? Where can i find mr supps, web address?

Im just so frustrated with my gains, its sooo slow and im spending so much effort and money for diet.
What are the prices-test e, ai? Where can i find mr supps, web address?

Im just so frustrated with my gains, its sooo slow and im spending so much effort and money for diet.

type mr supps into google and it will appear buddy i think its, if you go and have look theres a 20% off entire store this thursday, its a special sale and id take full advantage of it. without the sale i think its $55 but will obviously be cheaper if you buy it thursday.
if you cant wait use code needto10 for 10% off, youll need 2 bottles for the whole cycle id start it in wk 2 or 3 and run it thro your cycle and in post cycle therapy (pct) also if you have enough, just make sure to follow the dosing schedule properly as different dosages are reccommended at different stages of your cycle, its all listed on the website and on the bottle and is easy to follow.

the test e you will have to get from your "source" as its illegal, price varies alot.
Is this ok then:

-test e 500 mg a week, 10 week cycle
-aromasin during cycle
-nolva on hand in case of gyno
-clomid for post cycle therapy (pct) (two weeks after last pin)
(i havent included doses coz im still unsure)

Thanks heaps mate for all the info and help!

Do you think id be fine with this jungle juice brand of test? I can get primoteston pharmaceutical grade but its 250 dollars more expensive.

I should poba ly post some of my recent pix.
Hey no idea about jungle juice but I'm planning on doing a Test E cycle identical to yours in a few months. Keep us updated and let me know how it goes. Best of luck.
Is this ok then:

-test e 500 mg a week, 10 week cycle
-aromasin during cycle
-nolva on hand in case of gyno
-clomid for post cycle therapy (pct) (two weeks after last pin)
(i havent included doses coz im still unsure)

Thanks heaps mate for all the info and help!

Do you think id be fine with this jungle juice brand of test? I can get primoteston pharmaceutical grade but its 250 dollars more expensive.

I should poba ly post some of my recent pix.

I cant honestly comment on the jungle juice buddy as i have never heard of it before.
if you have aromasin you will not need the nolva on cycle, nolva blocks eastrogen, aromasin kills it and is far superior to nolva for this.
I would also suggest you run the test for 12 weeks as itll take about 4 weeks to kick in and you want to get what you can, if youre gonna run a cycle you want the best results that you can get.
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I will have to delay my cycle for some time coz im broke atm.
However, im on hormon replacement therapy with primoteston 250mg every 10 days. My test levels are twice higher than the highest normal value, and my free test three times higher. Do u think this should make me gain muscle easier than before when my test levels were low?
I will have to delay my cycle for some time coz im broke atm.
However, im on hormon replacement therapy with primoteston 250mg every 10 days. My test levels are twice higher than the highest normal value, and my free test three times higher. Do u think this should make me gain muscle easier than before when my test levels were low?

youre on testosterone replacement therapy, you may have said before lol if your on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and your test levels are up like you say your going to gain alot more muscle.
Thank Nick man, i wish:)
Im kinda confused, coz i posted that im on hrt on another forum, and several guys told me how thats totally useless in terms of bodybuilding and muscle gain, coz the dose is too low. What do u think? They r nor right?
I started with nebido therapy which is slow released test, 1000mg injection, only 5 x a year. Dr realised it did nothing for me and he started giving me primoteston 250mg. His ide was to give it to me every week, but tesy went out of the normap range. Now he is giving me test 250 every 10 days, and if my test levels are too high he will be gi ing me those forthnightly. Je wants to keep my test 'nice and high' as he said lol. Normal values are 8-28, my test was last time 59. Free test is normal 250-600, mine was 1800 last week.
Thank Nick man, i wish:)
Im kinda confused, coz i posted that im on hrt on another forum, and several guys told me how thats totally useless in terms of bodybuilding and muscle gain, coz the dose is too low. What do u think? They r nor right?
I started with nebido therapy which is slow released test, 1000mg injection, only 5 x a year. Dr realised it did nothing for me and he started giving me primoteston 250mg. His ide was to give it to me every week, but tesy went out of the normap range. Now he is giving me test 250 every 10 days, and if my test levels are too high he will be gi ing me those forthnightly. Je wants to keep my test 'nice and high' as he said lol. Normal values are 8-28, my test was last time 59. Free test is normal 250-600, mine was 1800 last week.

your probly not going to turn into ronnie colman off the dose but if its just started you will put some on muscle on definatly, you have 3 times the amount of free test than the average man and that will be an obvious advantage. its a low daosge but will def help but what they are saying is its not a body building dosage, but than its not meant to be.
I also read that ppl who are on 250mg every week can gain muscle, but 250 evry other week, doesnt it sound a bit low dose?
Any other guys with similar hrt experience here?
I used to be on nebido and one montj i gai ed 3 kg of muscle. It might be coincidence tho, coz i started going to poliquin institute and changed some things.
I also read that ppl who are on 250mg every week can gain muscle, but 250 evry other week, doesnt it sound a bit low dose?
Any other guys with similar hrt experience here?
I used to be on nebido and one montj i gai ed 3 kg of muscle. It might be coincidence tho, coz i started going to poliquin institute and changed some things.

it is a low dose but its a massive difference than before, if you were training with very little test and are now training with 3 times the amount of test an average man would have usable to them, than its going to give you gains and growth. yes its not a cycle but for that you can just get some test or some aromasin or some forma stanzol etc and inject 500-600mg and not really worry about post cycle therapy (pct) as your shut down anyways.
Ensure that you are permantly shut down and will be testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) for life and if you are you will no longer require a post cycle therapy (pct). its an unfortunate position to be in but there are some advantages to it in the world of AAS and cycles etc.
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Would it be a very bad idea if i get some test and run a proper cycle with nolva only instead of Aromatase inhibitor (AI) (kinda impatient)? Coz id be doing regular checks with my dr maybe he prescribes me smth haha

Another one, although its not test related. Maybe 2-3 times a week i get only 6h of sleep, the rest of the days 7-8hrs. Do you think i can still make gains (especialy now on hrt)? Its very hard for me to fall asleep, and so etime like last night, i woke up at 4 am and couldnt sleep anymore.
Would it be a very bad idea if i get some test and run a proper cycle with nolva only instead of Aromatase inhibitor (AI) (kinda impatient)? Coz id be doing regular checks with my dr maybe he prescribes me smth haha
No i wouldnt use nolva use a proper Aromatase inhibitor (AI) like the forma stanzol or aromasin on cycle, nolva just blocks eastrogen a proper Aromatase inhibitor (AI) kills it, if its only blocked youre still suceptible to bloat high blood pressure and id advise aginst it, dont cycle unless you have all you need buddy

Another one, although its not test related. Maybe 2-3 times a week i get only 6h of sleep, the rest of the days 7-8hrs. Do you think i can still make gains (especialy now on hrt)? Its very hard for me to fall asleep, and so etime like last night, i woke up at 4 am and couldnt sleep anymore.
im sure yourll stabelize and get used to the new treatment, obviously the more sleep you get the better ! but yourll still gain muscle. if you having trouble sleeping try to busy yourself and tire yourself out. Im not on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) so can only go on what iv been told if you have any issues its probably best to ask someone who has been on 4 a while as i can really give guess work buddy. Id just stick with the new treatment gain some muscle and let your body adapt and then about maybe running a cycle inabit when youre more happy and in control

me in bold buddy ^^^