My first Test only cycle


New member
Hey Guys, Been lurking around for a while now and just placed my order. This is my first ever cycle, and I just wanted to give ya'll an outline of what I have planned.

My Stats:
30 years old
5' 9"
180 lbs
15% BF

My Cycle:
Week 1-12 Test E (250mg twice a week)
Week 1-14 Aromasin (liquid stane) 12.5 mg everyday
HCG 500iu everyday for 10 days after last pin

Week 15-18 (RUI)clomid 50mg/ (RUI)nolva 40mg everyday (Don't know if I should take any aromasin during week 15-18)

So what do you think guys? Any helpful inputs would be greatly appreciated.
Might want to run nolva 40/40/20/20. Also check out the PCT thread on the anabolic steroid section. You're on the right track, I'd change up nolva to 40/40/20/20 and other than that, you seem good. (Personally I'm going to be running Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) in small doses through out)
My only real concern is about the HCG.... I was thinking, 500iu everyday for 10 days may seem a little much (I know that's why they call it a blast phase), would you instead recommend administering 250iu twice a week, same days as test inject? Other question is the aromasin, would it be a good idea to continue taking it during week 15-18, or just stop on week 14.