my gf is a vegetarian trying to loose weight


New member
she is 25

she used to look amazing but after two kids she put on the weight. she just got anavar and is going to take 12.5 mg a day. my question is what kind of diet can she do if she is a vegetarian
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she doesn't need anavar.. she needs a correct diet and cardio routine

whats her typical diet look like??
its shit right now.. she doesnt eat breakfast much, tuna or lean pocket for lunch and pasta light butter sauce or sandwich for dinner.. i heard you were good with diets so figure u could help her out also considering she is a vegetarian, she does eat fish though
its shit right now.. she doesnt eat breakfast much, tuna or lean pocket for lunch and pasta light butter sauce or sandwich for dinner.. i heard you were good with diets so figure u could help her out also considering she is a vegetarian, she does eat fish though

Welcome !
Based on what your saying she eats it seems she's not eating enough, I suggest she starts logging everything she eats, a good site to do this is (, so she can really see how many cals/pro/carbs/fat she's really eating.

Is she training/ cardio/ weight ?

What's really going to help her loose th weight here is her diet, & cardio & weights... how much weight is she trying to loose ?

Best of luck to her :)
forgot to mention, why don't u have her join, she can really learn so much here, there's lots of good info on this forum... Let me know if there's anything else I can help her with.
Sorry, not trying to be an ass. I was just shocked to hear all she would eat for a day is a lean pocket for lunch and a sandwich for dinner. I saw she just had 2 kids. You mean 2 at the same time, twins? Or 1 after the other? Does she have any time set aside to train, or is she busy with the kids all day?
she does cardio about 60 min to 90 split between tredmil and stepper 4-5 days a week. doesnt do much weight at all..her gym time is pretty good but i know the diet makes everything... lol and id love if she joined but shes not really into being on here, i joined for me and figured it would hurt to try and get her a diet
i wanna put her on 1600 calories

150g protein
100g carbs
66g fats

now the issue is the fact that she is a veggie.. so the diet will have to consist of diff protein then what im used to..

give me a list of all the fish's she's ok with eating...

is salmon, tilaipa, pollock in that list??

how bout black beans, red kidney beans, soy beans?

almonds? cashews? avocados??

and the hot pocket she would eat, what was in it??
everything you mentioned she eats, she also likes tuna, shes good with red and kidney beans not big on soy... likes almonds and cashews... and her hot pockets was broc and chedder
so the next step would be for you to use to build a diet that i will critique using foods like that... evenly divide the protein into the whole day using fish and beans... beans are high in pro and carbs.. the carbs are good.. make the carbs for bfast, pre and post workout.. the rest of the meals should be high in fat.. good fats.. efa's

u also have the option of becoming a client.. if thats something ur interested in e-mail me... and i can do all the work for you and set her up on more complicated diets