day 35.. 15 inj. smooth.
workout today was strong. went up 10 lbs. in my deadlift, but i contribute that completely to my on-point diet and training. i wouldve gained that naturally. i started doing some HIT-style training. love it. that type of training (regardless of AAS) always makes me feel good. would just be nice if i could put on some more size to go along with it, not to mention break some strength barriers.
kane- i feel ya bro. make no mistake, i will finish out this cycle before i start the sus/deca. and i will run the deca for 10 weeks. the thing here is, if im going to feel the same with this current gear as i would without, then i wasted my money and, even worse, my time. ive been ripped off before, im not looking for a handout. im going to order from the site again for sure.. im just keeping my cycle log up-to-date for others to view. live and learn brother, theres no better way..
as far as sides go.. nothing. no oily skin, no nipple soreness, no appetite increase, no increase in sex drive (though i dont really think my gf would be happy about that, jeez lol) no mood swings or aggression, no water bloat, and definetly no strength/size gains. i will finish this cycle and if still no signs of efficacy i will start my sus/deca cycle the following week..