My hemoglobin levels are off


New member
I was taking deca for 22 weeks at 500 mg weekly. Was off it for 3 months and then took blood test and they said my hemoglobin levels and my iron level was off. Is that normal due to the steroid. I have to see specialist. I'm a little nervous. Could hemoglobin levels still be off after 12 weeks from deca??
Yes they can still be off either from the deca or your levels could just be off naturally. Did you have blood work done prior to the deca run? What are the numbers now and what were they before if you have that also.
I didn't get blood test before. But after 3 months being off of deca can still screw up hemoglobin levels. I was on a long cycle.
This happens to me as well. Hemoglobin and hematocrit are always high. I donate blood every 58 days and if that doesn't lower it enough I get a theraputic blood letting. Any history of hemachromatosis in your family?

It may just be from the cycle but test, EQ and most AAS can do this as well. Off cycle I hover around mid to high iron levels but on cycle always high. It's really nothing to play with but I bet donating blood will get your levels into normal range especially if you have the blood type to do double reds.

I wouldn't worry too much but you need to keep an eye on it and if you want to run long cycles you will need to donate. Just don't tell your doc you used AAS
If you eat a bowl of breakfast cereal every morning you'll also test high. Almost all cereals are iron fortified and that along with a diet high in red meat plus the cycle will push it up there.

Slightly high iron/rbc levels just above the range arent anything at all to worry about, they are more of a precursor for doctors to look for other problems than the cause of problems themselves. You should have done blood tests before hand though so you knew your baseline...
Thanks guys. I have to see specialist his week but I think I'll just tell him I did deca so at least he knows. I'll try not to worry to much but I tend to build things up in my mind. Having off levels in my hemoglobin and iron isn't a sign of cancer??
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That's why you get your blood tests before a cycle so you know what your natural levels are. As I said it can be a precursor to a few different things but is unlikely to be the causation of anything. Most likely its due to diet and steroid use but you dont know since you didnt test before. Lesson learned, perhaps expensive lesson depending on how much you have to shell out to see a specialist for most likely no reason.

And don't be a fool and tell your doctor about your illegal drug use, sheesh. Anything you tell him about your health will go into your permanent medical record. This can used by health and life insurance companies and sometimes even employers if you need medical qualification for some jobs. Not only that but with our lovely Obamacare coming up the gov't will have full access to it as well, enjoy.
Don't tell your doc that. You are fine. AAS increase RBC.

What is your hematocrit/hemoglobin levels?

The highest mine ever got was 56 and 20 I believe. Gave blood and was fine

Don't tell your doc that. You are fine. AAS increase RBC.

What is your hematocrit/hemoglobin levels?

The highest mine ever got was 56 and 20 I believe. Gave blood and was fine


I'm not sure what my levels are. Doctor told me they where off. I am going to go in there and get a copy of report so I know what it is.
Don't tell your doc that. You are fine. AAS increase RBC.

What is your hematocrit/hemoglobin levels?

The highest mine ever got was 56 and 20 I believe. Gave blood and was fine


Ok I got my blood work info.

My RBC is 5.90
My hemoglobin is 18.0
My Hematocrit is 50.9

Is that bad?
No that's not bad at all. Yes it's high but nothing to worry about at all. Mine has been much higher then that. I got blood work online and when it came back much higher than yours I took it to my doc. She told me it still was nothing to worry about unless it got higher and had me go donate blood. It dropped a good amount after that.

Instead of worrying about it, get on redcross website and find a donation location. Most places you can donate Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. You don't need an appt. Just walk in but obviously you will have to think before answering some of the questions they ask. Dont admit to taking any meds or gear.

I'm not sure why you haven't done this already. Donate one time and you will have your levels back to normal range plus you will be helping others by donating. They welcome blood high in iron so instead of spending any more time thinking about it donate blood already and you will be fine.

You may have to donate blood on a regular basis if you plan to cycle again. It's not a big deal and I do it all the time on and off.
Ok I got my blood work info.

My RBC is 5.90
My hemoglobin is 18.0
My Hematocrit is 50.9

Is that bad?


RBC - 4.10-5.60 x10E6/uL
Hemoglobin - 12.5-17.0 g/dL
Hematocrit - 36.0-50.0%

So no not very bad at all. Give blood and retest as User said and Id bet its well below the upper ref range.
No that's not bad at all. Yes it's high but nothing to worry about at all. Mine has been much higher then that. I got blood work online and when it came back much higher than yours I took it to my doc. She told me it still was nothing to worry about unless it got higher and had me go donate blood. It dropped a good amount after that.

Instead of worrying about it, get on redcross website and find a donation location. Most places you can donate Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. You don't need an appt. Just walk in but obviously you will have to think before answering some of the questions they ask. Dont admit to taking any meds or gear.

I'm not sure why you haven't done this already. Donate one time and you will have your levels back to normal range plus you will be helping others by donating. They welcome blood high in iron so instead of spending any more time thinking about it donate blood already and you will be fine.

You may have to donate blood on a regular basis if you plan to cycle again. It's not a big deal and I do it all the time on and off.

Thanks buddy. You put me to ease. I will donate blood. I didn't know donating blood would lower it until you mention it. Thanks user204 for all the good info you gave me and everyone else.

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