My HRT and some questions for you Vet HRT guys


New member
I'm new here but have been hanging out for a while and reading through all the posts so I decided to join. Sorry if this post is boring.

A little background on me. I'm 31, married with two kids, not planning to have any more. I was once on HRT for a year and stopped so we could have a second child. Yay me, we did it.

Now I have started back on HRT again. I won't go into all my past HRT unless someone asks. So, let me get down to what I am currently on.
Doctor administers 180mg of test cyp a week with 500 iu of hcg. I get another 500 iu hcg 3 days after my shot. A total of 1000 iu of hcg a week. I am on week 10 and will have blood work done in two weeks. So very soon I will find out where my levels are.

I suffer from PTSD along with depression and insomnia, which I currently take several pills a day to deal with that. The HRT helps with my energy, not much has changed in my sleep. PTSD and depression have stayed the same and flash backs are unchanging.

On the upside of the HRT, I have gained 10lbs in 10 weeks. At the moment life doesn't allow me time to hit the gym so I do curls, pushups and such at home. I feel stronger, my muscles are noticeably bigger. So I feel like the HRT is helping most days. I still struggle with the energy part.

My wife actually pushed me back to starting hrt to help with energy and sex drive. Technically I'm not new to hrt but the difference this time is the HCG.

My questions are: HCG, is 1000 iu a week too much to stay on permanently? I totally get what it's doing and how it helps my body from shutting down. But what are the serious long term effects of this drug? Once my body becomes used to get this "signal", how will this effect me in the next 10 yrs? I know it may sound silly. I really do feel that the hrt is beneficial, but in the long run, what the heck am I doing to my body? It's wonderful to feel better now, but what about 5 yrs from now?

Has anyone run hcg at 1000iu every week along side 180mg test or similar dose for a year or more? I would really like to know what some of you think. With all the trash on the internet you can't trust some blog to tell the truth. I believe the only people that can understand what I am going through are other men going through this same thing. I know there has to be someone out there that has the same concern or has at least thought about it once. At least I hope I'm not alone on this.

Any advice or help from anyone on hrt would be more than appreciated. I only have one body. The doctors don't care, they just want insurance money. As long as my levels look good on paper, they just keep giving shots, I feel like they don't give a shit about what is going to happen to me 5 years from now.

Thanks for reading, sorry again if it was a boring post.
i know running high dosages of hcg will desensitize your system....

i think running 250iu twice a week is fine.. thats what i do.. maybe 300iu twice a week tops..

i know guys who run 125iu twice a week and are just fine..

so yea, i think 1000iu a week is a little high
Thanks for the feedback. From what I have seen other places, for trt purposes 1000 iu a week seemed high to be on "forever". When I read on some bodybuilding blogs, people were talking about 1000 iu ED. So I was really confused between what is safe long term. Obviously 7000 iu a week is somewhat ludicrous.

For how long have you been taking 500 iu a week? Do you take one dose the day of your shot and the second dose 3 days later?

I seemed to really crash two days before my next test shot before I started the hcg. Now with the hcg I feel pretty darn good throughout the week. Today was shot day, and last night I felt good enough to do some pushups. I think I can only attribute that to the hcg bridging the gap till my next shot.