New member
I did a search & last I saw Humanofort posted was years ago.
I am not sure if any of you have used HTN's product, Humanofort or not, but I have used it a few months ago, recently I started using it again. I find that it has helped me quite a bit in many ways.
1, great strength & stamina which lasts way after you stop using it.
2, better sleep, I do not wake up as often as I used to sometimes I wont wake up halfway into my sleep.
3, my metabolism, I eat about 4-5k calories on a daily basis & have kept my gut at a minimum, still able to pull a vacuum at 90%
Dose; 1-3 pills 2 daily. (I usually stick to 2 pills at a time for now)
From what I have read & understood, it triggers your testicles to produce more testosterone than normal, some people say up to 100% but I don't know, I am getting blood tests in a couple of weeks, I'll find out then. But I have noticed the boys have been bigger, not huge but definitely noticeable.
I noticed the highest level of strength for example is in my Flies, I used to do max 150lbs 10-15 reps, now I can go as high as 205 at 10reps or 220 at 5-7 reps. I like to train in high reps, Mike O'Hern style. When I stopped I did not notice any negatives of withdrawal only a slow & I mean slow reduction in strength stamina levels stayed high, months after stopping.
Has anybody else tried it & if you have what results did you get.
I am not sure if any of you have used HTN's product, Humanofort or not, but I have used it a few months ago, recently I started using it again. I find that it has helped me quite a bit in many ways.
1, great strength & stamina which lasts way after you stop using it.
2, better sleep, I do not wake up as often as I used to sometimes I wont wake up halfway into my sleep.
3, my metabolism, I eat about 4-5k calories on a daily basis & have kept my gut at a minimum, still able to pull a vacuum at 90%
Dose; 1-3 pills 2 daily. (I usually stick to 2 pills at a time for now)
From what I have read & understood, it triggers your testicles to produce more testosterone than normal, some people say up to 100% but I don't know, I am getting blood tests in a couple of weeks, I'll find out then. But I have noticed the boys have been bigger, not huge but definitely noticeable.
I noticed the highest level of strength for example is in my Flies, I used to do max 150lbs 10-15 reps, now I can go as high as 205 at 10reps or 220 at 5-7 reps. I like to train in high reps, Mike O'Hern style. When I stopped I did not notice any negatives of withdrawal only a slow & I mean slow reduction in strength stamina levels stayed high, months after stopping.
Has anybody else tried it & if you have what results did you get.