My HTN Humanofort experience, Embryo Extract


New member
I did a search & last I saw Humanofort posted was years ago.

I am not sure if any of you have used HTN's product, Humanofort or not, but I have used it a few months ago, recently I started using it again. I find that it has helped me quite a bit in many ways.
1, great strength & stamina which lasts way after you stop using it.
2, better sleep, I do not wake up as often as I used to sometimes I wont wake up halfway into my sleep.
3, my metabolism, I eat about 4-5k calories on a daily basis & have kept my gut at a minimum, still able to pull a vacuum at 90%
Dose; 1-3 pills 2 daily. (I usually stick to 2 pills at a time for now)

From what I have read & understood, it triggers your testicles to produce more testosterone than normal, some people say up to 100% but I don't know, I am getting blood tests in a couple of weeks, I'll find out then. But I have noticed the boys have been bigger, not huge but definitely noticeable.

I noticed the highest level of strength for example is in my Flies, I used to do max 150lbs 10-15 reps, now I can go as high as 205 at 10reps or 220 at 5-7 reps. I like to train in high reps, Mike O'Hern style. When I stopped I did not notice any negatives of withdrawal only a slow & I mean slow reduction in strength stamina levels stayed high, months after stopping.

Has anybody else tried it & if you have what results did you get.
Yes this post is serious, I am only giving you guys my experience with this product. I don't like posts that shoot a product down without any reason. Have you guys read the list of ingredients in Humanofort? It does not provide your body with extra testosterone it triggers the body to produce more of it than normal.
- IGF-1, IGF-2 (insulin growth factor)- A group of peptides that play important roles in development
- NGF (neural growth factor) peptides to promote neural cell survival
- CTGF (connective tissue growth factor) peptides used to accumulate collagen in the body
- FGF (fiboglast growth factor) a group of peptides that play a crucial role in the development of nervous and skeletal system.
- EGF (epidermal growth factor) polypeptides used to promote the growth of skin tissue as well as promote the healing of wounds
And tons of amino acids

Here is a site that you should read before asking if somebody is serious;
Yes I am Canadian eh, you might want to consider that Canada that Canada has some good stuff too.
Yes this post is serious, I am only giving you guys my experience with this product. I don't like posts that shoot a product down without any reason. Have you guys read the list of ingredients in Humanofort? It does not provide your body with extra testosterone it triggers the body to produce more of it than normal.
- IGF-1, IGF-2 (insulin growth factor)- A group of peptides that play important roles in development
- NGF (neural growth factor) peptides to promote neural cell survival
- CTGF (connective tissue growth factor) peptides used to accumulate collagen in the body
- FGF (fiboglast growth factor) a group of peptides that play a crucial role in the development of nervous and skeletal system.
- EGF (epidermal growth factor) polypeptides used to promote the growth of skin tissue as well as promote the healing of wounds
And tons of amino acids

Here is a site that you should read before asking if somebody is serious;
Yes I am Canadian eh, you might want to consider that Canada that Canada has some good stuff too.

I don't see any of those ingredients that will increase testosterone production
Are you taking this orally or injecting it?

Do you have before and after blood work to show that it increased your Total Testosterone and / or Free Testosterone in a statistically significant way? We love seeing blood work results around here! Or maybe a boost in your LH?
Yes this post is serious, I am only giving you guys my experience with this product. I don't like posts that shoot a product down without any reason. Have you guys read the list of ingredients in Humanofort? It does not provide your body with extra testosterone it triggers the body to produce more of it than normal.
- IGF-1, IGF-2 (insulin growth factor)- A group of peptides that play important roles in development
- NGF (neural growth factor) peptides to promote neural cell survival
- CTGF (connective tissue growth factor) peptides used to accumulate collagen in the body
- FGF (fiboglast growth factor) a group of peptides that play a crucial role in the development of nervous and skeletal system.
- EGF (epidermal growth factor) polypeptides used to promote the growth of skin tissue as well as promote the healing of wounds
And tons of amino acids

Here is a site that you should read before asking if somebody is serious;
Yes I am Canadian eh, you might want to consider that Canada that Canada has some good stuff too.

It's nothing against you brother, but many of us have learned the hard way that there is a reason for the asterisk on supplement claims stating that they haven't been evaluated by the FDA.

I can take a poop, put it in a bottle, and put a label on it saying, "MAY increase testosterone significantly!*" or "MAY experience TREMENDOUS muscle growth!*".

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.

As long as claims aren't definitive, and they have that disclaimer, supplement companies can sell just about anything. It's when their product actually does something that competes with medicine, that the FDA gets involved. (primordial performance anyone?)

Primordial Performance

The above is an example of what happens when either your product is too good, OR you make claims you shouldn't. PP kind of did both, oops!
Are you taking this orally or injecting it?

Do you have before and after blood work to show that it increased your Total Testosterone and / or Free Testosterone in a statistically significant way? We love seeing blood work results around here! Or maybe a boost in your LH?

I am going in for blood tests shortly end of September I'll inquire about getting a copy of my bloodwork & gladly share them. But again regardless of the bloodwork, I have felt seen the benefits of the product. Did you happen to look over the site at all Mega?
No offence taken you Halfwit :P (JK)
Even though there is nutritional value in poop :P I would not be able to market the product for you unless it was a cell extract, then maybe ;)

I definitely understand how you guys feel about the FDA & all these BS make a quick buck "pharmaceutical" labs developing magic pills. But the difference is in Canada, not just anybody can make a product & put anything they want in it. Quality control & health codes for both drugs & food are a lot stricter in Canada, for example we carry a portion of the supplemental products including protein powders that are made & sold in the US. The major companies are sent lists of ingredients that we do not accept in our products & the companies in turn have to produce the Canadian version of their product. (remember the one scene from Bigger Stronger Faster)
There are not that many if any **** on the bottle or the website. All doctorate studies have seals of approval & don't forget Canada has legalized Steroids for consumption/injection.

Oddly fecal matter is quite delicious according to dogs, that eat it for the fat content. Go figure. ;)

Okay, I didn't want to, but I went and read the study.


Looks pretty impressive, right? A 135% INCREASE over natural testosterone levels would be quite the feat!


The study doesn't list baseline values of testosterone, doesn't provide a time of testosterone baseline readings (natty folks fluctuate by up to 60% throughout the day, which is more of a result than chicken embryo soup these guys sell), nor do they state anything about diet or rest.

Just that the stuff works.

Bad study with flawed results. But, what do you expect a company to post on their site after all?

Yes, AAS is legal for personal use, but it is still illegal to sell. That means companies have to be just as careful with how they word things there too. However, Canada is a bit more of a nanny state as the government has banned stimulants to a large extent.
People were focusing too much on the Test aspect & that was my fault entirely, I have since had the titled adjusted. It is not a major test booster, but significant, Halfwit read the page I posted & quoted the results. There is more to this product than just a test booster, please check out the references I posted.
hgh / test booster... its a bs supp man. you can drink all the dead chicken embryos you want and drink all the igf1 you want, your stomach will destroy it before it has chance to do anything... if it was that easy then people wouldent need to inject it.
I hope you didnt pay much for it man...
if anything look into SARMS for "good first cycles" if your over 24 and have training and diet in check
People were focusing too much on the Test aspect & that was my fault entirely, I have since had the titled adjusted. It is not a major test booster, but significant, Halfwit read the page I posted & quoted the results. There is more to this product than just a test booster, please check out the references I posted.

The problem is that any of those results can be dissected just as easily. Oxidative stress? That varies from person to person based on how well they can metabolize lactase. Caffeine even has results like that.

Not picking on you, but I wouldn't spend any more money on baby chicken surprise. :)
Correct me if I'm wrong Half, but none of these compounds would make it through the stomache anyway?:

IGF-1, IGF-2 (insulin growth factor)- A group of peptides that play important roles in development
- NGF (neural growth factor) peptides to promote neural cell survival
- CTGF (connective tissue growth factor) peptides used to accumulate collagen in the body
- FGF (fiboglast growth factor) a group of peptides that play a crucial role in the development of nervous and skeletal system.
- EGF (epidermal growth factor) polypeptides used to promote the growth of skin tissue as well as promote the healing of wounds
And tons of amino acids

They are all peptide/polypeptides. If they're orally consumed they will all be destroyed before making it to the bloodstream, like Juced picked up on. Same reason we can't drink HGH or Insulin yeah?
Steak and pussy increases test. Bottle that shit up and you'll make millions! Works for me atleast. Couldn't be the test I inject...
Damn, I didn't know we had so many doctors & scientists here. Again I am stating my experience based on my use of the product.

About passing through your system, I tend to take it a few hours or sometimes 2hrs before going to the gym. Not sure how long it takes for a chemical to go through your system but that Is also why it is 1-3 pills twice per day. If it triggers your testicles to produce more Test, then the test would stay it wont go with the chemicals. To me that makes as much sense as saying Anavar does not work since it is a pill form & would go through your system before you would feel the steroid work.

Maybe I should take a picture of my sperm on & off to see if I produced more :P
Thank you though for making this such a popular thread.
Atlas Shrugged the weight of his thread.
Placebo effect bud... See it all the time. Read the posts about first week in on a test e cycle and gained 10lbs! Takes 4-6 weeks for that ester to kick in lol
Mmmyeahh but there's still nothing on there that significantly boosts test

Any boost to some people is significant. I'm not comparing this to a steroid as it fails in comparison. LOL again people are focusing on this as if it was a Steroid.