First a little background on me. I'm 28 and ran cycles of anabolic steroids off and on from the age of 20-26. After coming off steroids, with proper PCT/hCG, my life was never the same. I literally have had zero sex drive, inability to get an erection, irritability, unable to gain muscle or strength in the gym, constant fatigue and just an overall lack of well being. I visited many different GP's and endocrinologists that basically laughed me out the door when they saw my age and heard my symptoms (which basically just made my hopelessness so much worse). I finally decided to take matters into my own hands and get lab work done at my own expense since the health care system has completely failed me.
Serum Test: 330ng/dL LOW (348-1197ng/dL)
LH: 7.9 (1.7-8.6 mIU/mL)
FSH: 9.1 (1.5-12.4 mIU/mL)
Estradiol 11.1 (7.6-42.6 pg/mL)
CBC, CMP, Lipids were all WNL
After scouring many different TRT forums, I finally landed on IMT. I heard nothing but excellent reviews and quality service. The entire process including filling out the online forms and submitting my blood work and physician physical literally took 15 minutes. Todd stayed in constant email contact with me throughout the entire process and was extremely helpful. I was fortunate enough to have a FaceTime visit with the physician the night I submitted my required information. The doctor, for once in my life, was very understanding to my situation and actually took my condition seriously, it was such a relief. Within 3 days of meeting with the doctor my medications, syringes, swabs, you name it came directly to my door. When they say concierge service they really mean it! It's all inclusive you do not need anything extra. The entire process was smooth and insanely quick, I submitted my forms Monday afternoon and had my medications by Thursday afternoon (It helped I had all my blood work previously done, physician physical documentation and just got lucky that the doctor was able to see me right away).
I've been on a weekly dose of 200mg testosterone cyp/ 1000iu hCG/ 1mg arimidex for roughly 4 weeks now and I am actually starting to feel alive again. My overall mood and sense of well being is amazing. I am seeing spontaneous erections and waking up with morning wood with previously had been absent for years. I am finding myself waking up before my alarm clock and having so much energy in my day to day activities. The only downside I am seeing is now that I actually have to shave more than once a week .
All in all, my experience has been wonderful. IMT has truly helped revitalize my life. I can't thank IMT enough for all they have done. I will definitely be a life long customer!
Serum Test: 330ng/dL LOW (348-1197ng/dL)
LH: 7.9 (1.7-8.6 mIU/mL)
FSH: 9.1 (1.5-12.4 mIU/mL)
Estradiol 11.1 (7.6-42.6 pg/mL)
CBC, CMP, Lipids were all WNL
After scouring many different TRT forums, I finally landed on IMT. I heard nothing but excellent reviews and quality service. The entire process including filling out the online forms and submitting my blood work and physician physical literally took 15 minutes. Todd stayed in constant email contact with me throughout the entire process and was extremely helpful. I was fortunate enough to have a FaceTime visit with the physician the night I submitted my required information. The doctor, for once in my life, was very understanding to my situation and actually took my condition seriously, it was such a relief. Within 3 days of meeting with the doctor my medications, syringes, swabs, you name it came directly to my door. When they say concierge service they really mean it! It's all inclusive you do not need anything extra. The entire process was smooth and insanely quick, I submitted my forms Monday afternoon and had my medications by Thursday afternoon (It helped I had all my blood work previously done, physician physical documentation and just got lucky that the doctor was able to see me right away).
I've been on a weekly dose of 200mg testosterone cyp/ 1000iu hCG/ 1mg arimidex for roughly 4 weeks now and I am actually starting to feel alive again. My overall mood and sense of well being is amazing. I am seeing spontaneous erections and waking up with morning wood with previously had been absent for years. I am finding myself waking up before my alarm clock and having so much energy in my day to day activities. The only downside I am seeing is now that I actually have to shave more than once a week .
All in all, my experience has been wonderful. IMT has truly helped revitalize my life. I can't thank IMT enough for all they have done. I will definitely be a life long customer!