my mass tabs experience


i just started mass tabs by IDS. i figured i'd write a little journal on progress as im sure this could come in handy for someone, so here it is im on day two right now with one tab a day.
day 1- i saw no pronounced effects accept i had a little trouble sleeeping for some reason whether it was from the tab or not.
day 2- so far no obvious effects let you know how the sleep thing goes
day 5- off day today for lifting. i went to a local high school and ran about 2 miles. pretty good endurance. i cant wait till tomorrow to get to lifting.
adidamps2 said:
ahhh ok its like a natural test booster.
for some reason i was thinking it was more of an amino acid tab. kinda like a liver tab.

it's in that area more along the lines of a pro hormone. its supposed to be some strong stuff.
gogetter said:
it's in that area more along the lines of a pro hormone. its supposed to be some strong stuff.
according to the link you gave me, the ingrediants are nothing more than "natural" test boosters (trib, fenugreek, Avena Sativa )....def NOT a prohormone. its not even close.
adidamps2 said:
according to the link you gave me, the ingrediants are nothing more than "natural" test boosters (trib, fenugreek, Avena Sativa )....def NOT a prohormone. its not even close.

you might have not read the part about their so called "methylsten" look closer their buddie.
day 6 today i did legs. man i can deff. feel the strength. the pumps are nice and tight and i feeel like i can keep going and keep going. on top of that no problem with my "boys". tomorrow is chest so im excited :spin:
methyl sten is a stenbolone and its more potent because its methylate and its a 5 alpha redused form of boldonone (equipoise) and its strong post cycle therapy (pct) is a must
crazyfool405 said:
methyl sten is a stenbolone and its more potent because its methylate and its a 5 alpha redused form of boldonone (equipoise) and its strong post cycle therapy (pct) is a must

i can completely agree on that. im on day 7 and ive all ready put on 4 pounds. and for the post cycle therapy (pct) i plan on using novadex
gogetter said:
you might have not read the part about their so called "methylsten" look closer their buddie.
if thats the case why take a supp loaded with so many natty test boosters?
there not even going to help if your natural test levels are shut down and that methyl stuff takes over. seems like a waste to have all those other "boosters" in there too me.
day -8 nothing but strength and endurance. i can do a whole workout routine and be ready for another one. this stuff gets me pumped up. im starting to seee a litttle softnessin my nipples so im gonna have to throw in some nova just to be safe
ok folks i came to an ubrutp stop with these. they were causing me serious mental issues. as far as gains no real mass gains but every muscle went up 10 lbs in strength at least. im on nolva now trying to get my bldy back to normal. man this shit fucked my head up. worse then any other thing iv tried. back to the drawing board
mass tabs

Hey i just started mass tabs today.....Im very picky about what i put into my body because usually if it slightly affects other people it will affect me ten fold. I was wondering if you could go into detail on what mental affects you had.